Chapter Twenty-Six: Dinner Dates

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"Anything's possible if you have enough nerve."-J.K. Rowling

Knots were forming in Azalea's stomach as she readied herself for the dinner with Riddle. Time had flown by quicker than she wanted it to and now she found herself waiting nervously in the common room for him.

She paced up and down the room and only halted when she heard him enter. Azalea turned around to acknowledge his presence, but didn't offer him any verbal greeting. Riddle first broke the silence for the second time that day.

"You look enchanting." Azalea was taken aback by such a sweet comment coming from him. She tried shield the blush that she knew was to eventually come. "And you look..." Azalea awkwardly trailed off, not knowing what adjective to use. Of course handsome would have sufficed because he definitely did look handsome. His dress robe was entirely black, which complimented his intense eyes well and his hair, though not done any differently, made his attractive facial features appear more sharp.

Riddle smirked when she decided to abandon her sentence altogether. "We should go, everyone will already be there," he said, offering his arm to lead her there.

She took his arm and they made their way to Slughorn's office. When they entered, it differed completely from the room they had the Slug-Club gathering in. The room they stood in now was more spacious and grand. The floor in the centre of the room was tiled with mahogany flooring which formed a large square against the oaken tiles that surrounded it. Azalea imagined the activities took place there. A table holding the feast stretched vertically across the room and people congregated around it.

Azalea couldn't find Slughorn in the sea of students who were already there.

She thought Riddle spotted him as he was leading her in the direction of someone. Instead, they ended up with Riddle's friends. Azalea cringed when they approached them. It was bad enough to have to talk to his friends for the night but Malfoy was there too. Malfoy stared at Riddle, then to her, and at Riddle again before a defeated looked crossed his face.

An apologetic look almost spread across Azalea's features when she saw Malfoy's expression. She wanted to let him know that she was sorry for leading him on and then ditching him, but decided against acting on the impulse. Although she did feel guilty, the guilt was muted due to the fact he was part of Riddle's group. A group she knew advocated for blood-supremacy.

"I want to thank you all for coming!" Slughorn's voice sounded from the front of the room. "Enjoy the provisions and the dance." Azalea's brows furrowed in confusion when he said dance.

Couples from every part of the room went to dance until just Riddle and Azalea stood off to the side. Even the rest of the group was on the dance floor. Malfoy, who brought Droope as his plus one, was locking lips with her as they danced. The others boy simply swayed with their partners to the melody of the music.

"Would you care to dance," he asked smoothly. Azalea was reluctant to accept the invitation, though still charmed at the offer. In the end, she accepted.

The two walked to the floor and set up to dance. Riddle quickly established dominance in the dance and she found herself grudgingly following his lead.

It surprised her to figure out Riddle was an extraordinary dancer. He made it through every move with complete confidence, never faltering with any of the steps.

Azalea needed a break after dancing with Riddle for about half an hour and so he took her to a seating area that was stationed behind the buffet. "Malfoy seems fine now," Azalea commented casually. Riddle took a side glance at his blond-haired friend who still had Droppe in his embrace. "I confess myself surprised that he appeared hurt in the first place. He has quite the reputation with woman." With the swagger and charm Malfoy carried himself with, it would be almost unbelievable if he weren't a favourite among females.

"Have you had a girlfriend, Riddle?" His cheek twitched when she asked the question, as though holding back a smirk. "Have you had a boyfriend, Rosefield," he deflected the question back to her. Azalea chuckled at the way he avoided the question and decided she wouldn't answer it either.

As she looked out to everyone dancing, she finally noticed the startling realization that she had a fun time attending the dinner with Tom Riddle. Even more startling to the young Potter was that she'd do it again should he ask it of her.

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