Chapter Fourteen: The Slug Club

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"Merlin's beard!" -Professor Horace Slughorn

     I would be honoured if you would  join me and a couple of others for a spot of tea in my office tonight at six O'clock.
   Sincerely, Professor H.E.F Slughorn

The dark-haired witch read and re-read the invitation. "The Slug Club?" She questioned to herself. Shrugging the confusion off, she grabbed a piece of toast and headed off to class - pocketing the note.

Classes, unusually for Azalea, dragged on this morning. She couldn't stop her jitters in Herbology, she couldn't stop wishing the professors would get through their instruction quicker and above all: she couldn't stop wishing that the Slug Club would come. Azalea had learned from Ocean that Slughorn sometimes hosted lavish gathering for students he thought had great potential. The next part was what actually made her wishing its arrival came quicker was that Riddle and his group were always invited every year. It was an amazing opportunity for Azalea to finally put her game plan into action and get information out of him. She knew with being around so many people he wouldn't dare to drop his charming and helpful facade.


After classes, time finally seemed like it was moving forward instead of back. Hours flew by with ease and before Azalea even knew it, six O'clock was already here. She straightened up the skirt of her black, laced dress and headed to the professor's office.

Azalea promptly knocked on the office door when she made it. The professor, just as promptly, opened it. "Ah, Azalea. Just on time. Come sit. Come sit!" He jollity escorted her in. Inside was just like a typical Hogwarts professor's office (with the exception of a few lavish chesterfields and chairs). In the middle of the room was a plain, oaken table sitting the entirety of Riddle gang. Pulling out an empty chair beside Riddle, Professor Slughorn insisted that she sit. And she did so - reluctantly. "So where were we?" The professor asked.

"You were just saying how politics would suit me, sir." Riddle inserted, feigning politeness. "And I can't say I agree with you, sir. I don't have the right kind of background for one thing." The group of boys smirked to each other, as if enjoying some twisted inside joke together. That couldn't of shocked Azalea anymore than it did, as she thought it was a remark made about his own half-blooded status. If that was the case, Azalea was mind-boggled that he would share that information with his followers.

"Such as shame," the professor said, shaking his head disappointedly, "I confidently could expect you to rise to Minister for Magic within twenty years. Fifteen if you keep sending me pineapple. I have excellent contact at the Ministry." Riddle merely smiled as everyone around them laughed and threw him admiring glances.

"Then what kind of career would suit your background, Riddle." Azalea politely asked, already knowing he wouldn't tell the truth of what his gang actually did. His expression didn't waver nor did it falter when he answered with, "I'm not completely sure. Something to put my magical talent to use, I suppose. Like with the transfigurations, potions and the dark arts most likely."

"Oh, Tom m'boy, you should of told me! If you're looking into the profession of an Auror, I have great contacts there too!" Professor Slughorn informed, clearly happy with the career choice. "Well, it's not actually being an Auror I was looking into," he said softly, his eyes slightly glinting. "I'm not worried about you, Tom. I'm sure with a mind so academically enhanced, you could get any job you applied for."

"Yes, no doubt, professor," Azalea murmured gently. "It seems like you have got huge plans, Riddle." A rare smile (more like smirk) appeared on his face, the glint in his eyes flaming dangerously. He softly chuckled. "You could say that," he said, vaguely. The group of boys around him snickered to each other.

The conversation abruptly halted as the tea-pot levitated by itself to serve a second serving of tea. "So, I hear from Professor Dumbledore that you two did quite spectacularly on your vanishing charms." The professor said pridefully, staring at Riddle and Azalea. "Yes, I'd say we did," Riddle said modestly, "Miss Rosefield is quite the witch." She gave a tight-lipped smile to him. "Thank you, Riddle. As are you." A clock chime echoed through the office just as Riddle opened his mouth to speak. "Good gracious, is it that time already? You'd better get going, boys, or we'll all be in trouble. Lestrange, I want your essay by tomorrow or it's detention. Same goes for you Avery."

One by one, all of them started to leave the office. As Azalea was about to head out the door, she noticed Riddle lingering behind.

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