Chapter 2: Trouble

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COVER DESIGN BY white-roses1

Summer Gray

A million thoughts raced through my mind when the door of the giant mansion opened. I had absolutely no trouble finding the giant house since it was the only giant two story mansion seen in a three mile radius.

It had white panneled balconies wth a presidential appearance to it. The mansion took up an entire street corner and it was a beautiful sight to behold.

But I did not, in all my life, expect Aiden Black to be the one to open that door for me.

I had applied for a job in that house weeks ago when my family underwent a horrible financial crisis, but nothing seemed to add up.

The school badass was certainly not the first person I pictured to open that door.

I'd expected some snobby billionaires to hold that door open and immediately kick me out when they saw me.

And behind him stood a mini him. A conceited, demanding little six year old that he would probably corrupt and she'd end up like him.

"I need you to wash my dolly." She whined again, staring at me like I was scum off the streets. She crossed her little arms and glared at me.

"Or you could let me wash you." Aiden whispered in my ear, he was standing dangerously close, I felt my cheeks heat up, my breath hitched.

"Of course, where's your," I cleared my throat, "dolly."

"Upstairs maid!" The little brat said. Like brother like sister. I laughed at my thought. If I ignored Aiden, maybe he would leave me alone.

"You know we could do a whole lot upstairs." Aiden smirked. Ignore him. Ignore him.

I turned to face him as he gave me a challenging look.

"Well Mr. Black." I said politely, my mom always told me to kill assholes with kindness, or something like that.

"I should probably go wash up your sister's dolly." I smiled politely at the annoying arrogant boy standing in front of me, "and in case you were wondering, I have a boyfriend."

"Hurry up maid!" Mini Aiden yelled, crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Look kid," I began.

"It's your majesty to you missy." She frowned. I heard Aiden stifling a laugh behind me.

Already five minutes into the job and they've already made my life a living hell.

"Okay, your majesty." I said, hearing Aiden's full on laughter party behind me. "Can you please shut up?" I turned around to glare at him, instantly I couldn't help but smile at his laughing self. He seemed so genuine like this.

"Attention on me!" The little girl whined, "now go wash dolly! She hasn't taken a bath in a week!"

"Okay kid," annoyed, I said.

"It's your majesty!" She whined again, stomping her little feet up the stairs as I followed.

Aiden placed his hand on my waist. I turned to glare at him, missing the next step of the stairs. I began falling backwards until he grabbed my butt and pulled me back into the stairs.

"What part of I have a boyfriend do you not understand?" I pursed my lips as we reached the top of the stairs.

"What part of I just saved your life do you not understand?" He countered.

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