Chapter 20: Medical

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Summer Gray

I barged into his room. After minutes of asking my mom where he was I'd finally found him. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes met his.

He sat up in the bed, staring at me as I stared at him. He had a confused look on his face.

Our eyes locked for a minute as I felt tears rising to my face. He's awake, but he had no clue who I was.

I couldn't have cared less, I ran into his arms. "Aiden, I missed you so much, I can't believe you're finally awake" I felt small tears trickle down my cheeks,

"Are you the nurse?" He asked, his blue eyes staring beautifully at me. Except now there was no recognition or emotion.

"No, no Aiden, it's me." I said, pulling away from our hug, keeping my hand on his shoulder.

"Aiden?" He repeated, "is that my name?" He thought out loud. "What day is it?"

"Thursday." I said.

"Who are you and why did you hug me?" His silky voice brought back memories that I craved to relive.

"Aiden, I'm Summer." I smiled, tears roaming my eyes. He didn't remember me.

"Then I'm winter!" He laughed, "I feel like I've heard that before. But I can't put my finger on it." He again, thought out loud. I smiled at him, he was too cute.

"Yeah you did, that one weekend when your parents were visiting." Suddenly, he stared at me wide eyed.

"You live with me? Are you my girlfriend?" He asked, I wanted so badly to say yes.

"No. I'm your maid." I bit my lip.

"Why do I have a maid?" Because you can.

"Why do you have so many questions?" I scoffed.

"Because I have Amnesia and Dr. Grandeur said it would be best if I asked a lot of questions. And you're a pretty girl, so I thought, why not ask you to help me out."

"Aiden, you think I'm pretty?" I asked, staring wide-eyed at him.

"Quit calling me that! Summer." He said, intending it to be a teasing word, "is that your real name?"

"Yes." I said, breathing caught in my throat.

"Summer do I have a job?"

"Yeah, but I don't think you want to find out."

"Why not, where do I work?"

"The Luzerne."

"That's a dumb name." He laughed. I smiled along.

"Yeah, so is the person who named it." I laughed, watching his confused expression change. He seemed frustrated.

"Who named it?" He asked, a serious expression on his handsome face. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was so handsome.

It was hard to believe he'd actually woken up.

After two months of crying over him, he finally woke up.

"So do you know why you're in the hospital?" I asked.

"Motorcycle accident. I made a wrong turn." His lines seemed rehearsed, he didn't sound like his same old self. And I was fine with that. He just needed some time to remember.

"Hi! I'm Aiden," he waved at the people behind us, "what's my last name?" He whispered, turning toward me.


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