Chapter 12: Luzerne

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Ryder King

I wore a pair of jeans and a shirt, putting on some cologne and deodorant. I walked past my sister and her boyfriend making out on the couch and sat in my ford. I had nothing planned for Summer tonight.

All I wanted was to regain her trust, and possibly destroy Aiden Black in the process.

I ignited the engine and began my two mile drive to her house.

She stepped out of the house with an elegant dress on. She looked stunning, as usual. I was the luckiest guy in the world.

I needed to have her home tonight before nine or else her mom would freak out. Tomorrow was another Monday.

"Hey babe," I walked up to her with a bouquet of roses behind me, she hugged me as I pecked her lips. I handed her the roses as she smiled sweetly.

"Oh. Ryder," she smiled, kissing me again and handing the flowers to her mom.

"You kids have fun!" She called as we made our way to my car. I was on gentleman mode right now, tonight had to be perfect.

I took her to a fancy restauran, that cost me over forty dollars on our meals. I tried to convince myself that it was worth it, but the food was crappy and I hated it. What a waste of money.

Afterward I took her for a walk around the area, she seemed to really enjoy it.

"So, what happened to your leg. . .s" I smiled, extremely curious.

"Oh, I fell off the roof of a car for this one and a snake bit me for that one." I laughed as she pointed at her battle scars. She was too cute. I didn't want to ruin the night by talking about Aiden, but I couldn't help feeling like I wanted to squash that bug and get the weight off my shoulders.

"So. Uh, Summer I was wondering, just out of curiousity." I began, not knowing the best way to ask this.

"Just ask, I don't bite," she smiled.

"What were you doing at that party with Aiden?" I asked as her eyes seemed to suddenly harden and her heart turned stone cold.

"Nothing." She said.

"Because, you know he's not the greatest of guys and hopefully he didn't deflower you." I said, rambling.

"Aiden isn't that bad, and no he didn't deflower me." She smiled playfully as her hand went onto my cheek, mashing our lips together. All thoughts forgotten. I smiled, pulling away.

What was I even thinking having a threesome with those girls when just a simple kiss from Summer felt way better.

And now that Summer was mine again, I would have the privelage to flaunt her in front of the asshole, Aiden Black.

Summer Gray

My mom drove me to a school this morning. I hopped out of the car, a bright smile on my face as I prepared to start the day.

"Bye mom! Love you." I smiled. After she'd gotten home yesterday she'd told me about how dad would be getting a business oppurtunity in Japan and how she was going to be there with him in three weeks for two days to support him. I was happy for her, and dad of course, who I never got to see anymore.

Ryder walked up to me pulling me close and kissing my forehead. I smiled at him as my eyes landed on the dangerous icy blue ones of Aiden Black. Ryder quickly turned me to face him and pressed his lips on mine. I was confused at the sudden kiss but I didn't mind. When I looked back at Aiden. He was nowhere in sight.

I got a ride home from Ryder since Aiden still hadn't brought my car back to me. I quickly got in my mom's car and drove to Aiden's house to be the maid I was.

On arrival I saw him backing out of the driveway and going else where.

"Where's he going?" I asked Amy, walking into the house. Their parents had left and so did his older sister.

"Away from you, obviously." I looked at her wide eyed, hoping she was joking. "I need you to clean my new dolly. Don't burn her this time." The evil little girl threw her doll at me and stomped upstairs, her iPhone in hand. Personally, I think she's too young to have a phone, but I won't judge the judgement of my bosses.

I began searching in Aiden's room for any clues on what he's been up to. Each day I cleaned his room was the same mess, a disheveled bed and a pile of used condoms on the floor. He was bringing his work home, I assumed.

But this continued for three weeks, each day I'd arrive at his house, he'd either be leaving or already gone.

I didn't have his phone number so I couldn't ask him why he was avoiding me. The only place I could think to go to was the Luzerne. I'd never been to a strip club, nor did I want to, but I just wanted to talk to Aiden, to know the reason why we'd suddenly stopped being friends.

I didn't know the route so I parked in front of a flower shop to ask for directions. My conversation with Ryder from three weeks ago played in my head about Aiden deflowering me. It was a silly thing to bring up.

"Hey!" The store owner smiled at me as I walked in.

"Hi! Do you happen to know the way to the Luzerne?" I asked, staring at the older lady. For her age, her dark complexion seemed to make her look younger.

"Honey. Are you a stripper?" The lady asked, walking over to me.

"What? No."

"Then why on earth are you looking for that hell hole?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm looking for someone." I said.

"Would that someone happen to be Aiden Black? That boy's always there." She laughed.

"Yeah, actually."

"Why would a young pretty girl like you want to find him, don't you want to stay innocent? Well I mean if you're not then I recommend you don't waste your time with that boy. He goes through girls like he's riding his motorcycle, Vroom, Vroom, if you know what I mean." She laughed loudly.

"Yeah, look I just need to know where the Luzerne is, please?" I said, my patience running thin.

"Just down the street from here and take a left, make sure you leave before midnight, that's when the police show up. I just don't understand why you would want to go there."

"Thank you!" I said, feeling extremely greatful.

"Oh and don't park your car too close, it might make getting caught more easy."

I smiled at the lady, waving goodbye and walking out of her flower shop. It was eight thirty, plenty of time before midnight.

I walked down the street until a big sign with casino like lettering spelled out Luzerne. I made the left even though the sign was on the right and entered into a humid place. A faint smell of cigarettes and sweat filled the air.

I stood there feeling out of place as bodies lay around everywhere doing the nasty. Four women stood on stage stripping down while a group of men watched. I shut my eyes.


I don't know what I was thinking coming here, I didn't want my eyes deflowered so I thought it would be best if I left.

"Hey there baby girl." A random guy grabbed my hand and spun me to him, "strip down for me?" He winked, his breath stunk of alcohol. It seemed like everytime I was in the same place as Aiden, something like this always happened. And I wasn't even sure if Aiden was here.

The man pushed me against the wall, as I tryed to turn into a ghost and go through the wall. The man inched closer, I pulled myself closer to the wall. And suddenly, as though my prayers had been answered, he was pulled back by none other than Aiden Black.

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