Chapter 4: Unwanted Kindness

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Aiden Black

"I want you to fire her!" Amy barged into my room, proclaiming. Her little arms still wrapped around her disfigured dolly with dried tears on her face.

"Give her a chance Aimes, it's only been one day. "I sat up in bed stretching.

"But she burned dolly in one day. If you give her two days she's going to burn down the house and then the whole wide world." Amy exaggerated, a worried grin on her cute face as she sat beside me.

"I wish you could stay home with me every day. I don't want to be stuck with the witch." She whispered the last part adorably as she hopped off my bed and left dolly on the floor.

I promised I'd buy her a new one today and Aiden Black always keeps his promises.

Summer Gray

I watched Ryder from a distance, this is the guy I was hoping to marry someday, was he cheating? He couldn't be. He wouldn't be, he fought for me yesterday in the bathroom against idiotic Aiden, meaning he'd gotten jealous over nothing. Aiden was just trying to get into my head, and congratulations he did.

I watched him speak to the girls around him, each girl clinging to his every word. He was quite perfect, and I trust him. I'm not willing to throw away our two perfect years all because of a dumb rumor by Aiden Black. I mean who even believes him, Aiden's always messing around with any girl. And I was just another one to add to his list.

I took a deep breath and began walking to the breakfast tables. There was nothing to worry about.

"Hey babe." Ryder smiled, kissing my cheek softly as he pulled me onto his lap, "Sleep well?"

"Not at all," I yawned, a dreamy smile on my face as I stared into his amazing blue-green eyes.

"So who lives in that mansion on Blackberry lane?"

"Nobody important." I said, a bit too quickly.

"I bet it's some old lady or something who was too lazy to move out." Ryder laughed. In that moment I felt extremely uncomfortable sitting on his lap.

"Ryder, can I ask you something?"

"Anything babe." He grinned just as the bell rang signaling the start of our school day.

"I'll ask later." I stood up as he pecked my lips and we split paths to our next classes.

I had history first. I hate history. And the history teacher. I sat in Mrs. Glue's class silently staring at the words on the posters she'd put up.

"Taxation without represetation, 1776. Can anyone tell me what happened that year and what that phrase means?" She asked, staring at us in silence.

I knew the answer, I just didn't feel like talking.

"The British taxed the American colonies after the French and Indian war, who fought in this war?" She took a short pause then called on me, "Summer."

"The British fought the French and it was called the French and Indian war because it was from the colonist perspective since they were fighting against the french, while most called it the seven years war in England even though it lasted nine years."

"Very well Summer, looks like you did your reading. Speaking of which, your homework tonight is to read pages 556-576 in your textbook. I would like to see notes tomorrow."

Everyone groaned as I sat quietly in my seat, thoughts of Ryder with other women leaking through my mind. He wouldn't. I hate you Aiden Black for making me think this about my boyfriend.

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