Chapter 12: Booger Eater

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"Oh my gosh. You didn't have to get me this." I said holding my hand over my mouth.

We were in P.E when Josh had surprised me with a ring that had the biggest diamond I had ever seen on it. I couldn't believe he had got me this.

I already knew by the looks of it that this was expensive as hell. "Anything for bae, remember." He smiled looking into my eyes.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. "Hey, stop that!" Coach Camille yelled.

"I felt terrible because I didn't get you anything on your birthday and I wanted to make it up to you." He smirked.

"We weren't even together on my birthday. Where did you even find money to pay for this?" I said looking down at my ring.

My question was interrupted by the last bell of the day. He didn't even give me time to change from my gym clothes.

Josh grabbed my hand and we walked to the car.

"What crazy adventures shall we be taking today, Romeo?" I said. In class today we had read Romeo and Juliet. He really was my Romeo.

"Just to the park. I have to talk to you." He said in a firm tone.

My face changed from happy to worried. What the fuck did I do? Ugh, he does not sound happy.

We arrived at the park and surprisingly it was empty. We went to sit at a park bench.

He just looked at me as if he was trying to find the right words to say. "I want to tell you the truth about everything?" He finally managed to get out.

Everything like what? Was this fucka cheating on me? Was that what this ring was for, a way of saying sorry?

Immediately the trust issues I had worked so hard to rid of came flooding back.

"Everything like what?" My stomach was in a knot.

"Everything about me. I know you've heard the rumors about me. I mean, with the way gossips travels in this school, it's almost impossible to ignore." He said taking in a lot of air.

"I don't really care about rumors. Fuck what everyone else is saying." I said grabbing his hand. "You don't have to address it."

"No I do." He said looking deep into my eyes.

"I'm the leader of U.D.N, that part of the rumor is true. I joined U.D.N when I was nine. My father was abusing my mother and--"

He stopped. I could tell this was hard for him to say.

"And I just wanted to get away from it all. I met, Spike, the leader at the time and he introduced me to the game. When Spike died he left it all to me. That's how I became leader. To this day, my father abuses my mother and every time I try to step in she stops me and I don't know why. I don't know why --"

He took a deep breathe. "...why she won't let me do to him what he did to us all these years. Obviously, I'm still the leader of U.D.N and that's why I didn't want to get involved with you. I didn't want you to get hurt. We have a rival gang, Y.F.G, and they are dangerous. Very dangerous. They'll hurt anybody and every body close to me and I just don't want them to hurt you."

"I'm not scared to be with you." I said grabbing his face.

"Just promise me you'll always be alert and careful." He said holding out his pinky.

"I promise" I smiled hooking my pinky with his. Pinky promises had kind of become our thing since that day at Rover Woods.


"What should we watch?" I said looking up at Pooh bear . We were in my room and she was texting away and smiling at her phone, blushing also.

"Um hello, earth to Jamie." I said throwing a pillow at her.

She groaned. "What about The Wood?"

I knew she was going to pick that. It was her favorite movie and I had sat through it approximately 30 times but I was willing to sit through it just once more for her.

"Okay" I said putting it in. I flopped down on the couch. "Who the hell has you smiling so big?"

"I'm not even smiling widely" she said finally looking away from her phone "and it's Darrell."

"Darrell? Darrell, as in the asshole that cheated on you Darrell?" I said making a face like I was about to throw up.

"But didn't you say and I quote 'I hate that lying son of bitch. I swear next time I see him, I'll cut off his dick and shove it down his throat. '

Yeah, my best friend was crazy. I laughed. "Girl I say a lot of things. I once said I wasn't going to beat Brittany's ass and when I saw her I would behave but when I saw her I slammed her head into a desk and kicked her repeatedly."

I was dying. "Of all examples, did you really have to use that one?"

"You think I'm bad? You're the same girl that said ' I'll never allow myself to fall for that thot nigga Joshua Davis' but look at you now?"

"Okay so you to have a point." I stated rolling my eyes. I couldn't help smiling.

"So I see you finally did my dare. I cant wait to see the look on his face when you dump him." She laughed evilly.

"Dare? Dump him? Girl I haven't even thought about your dare since me and Josh have started going together. I really do like him and I don't plan on dumping him." I said now blushing.

"Josh? He lets you call him that? The last person called him that got pushed down the stairs. And awe, my bestie has heart eyes for the bad boy." She teased poking me.

"And you have heart eyes for booger-eating ass Darrell." I laughed.

"He doesn't eat his Boogers. He starched his nose and licked his finger okay." she said defending him.

"Yeah whatever." I looked at her.

What would I do without this crazy girl by my side?


Song: Best friend by Tokyo Vanity

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