Chapter 17: Taken

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Danielle P.O.V

"Knock Knock!" I heard banging on the door.

"Who is it?" I said getting up from the couch. I've spent the whole day eating cookies and cream ice cream and watching The Titanic.

"Your big bro" I opened the door and gave Antonio a bigggggg hug.

"No." He said pushing me off of him.

"Huh." I said confused.

"The only time you hug me like that is when you want something, so no." He said laughing.

"But I don't want anything and if I did you could've a least let me ask you first before you said no."

He walked in and walked over to the couch.

"Who the hell got you all in your feelings?" He laughed looking down at the ice cream.

I didn't respond. Then he face got serious. "Who do I need to kill?" He said in a serious tone.

I punched his shoulder. "Nobody" I laughed.

"What happened?" He said flopping down on the couch.

I sighed. "Jamie made me do a stupid ass dare and my even stupider ass did it. She dared me to go Joshua for--"

"Bad boy Joshua? Leader of U.D.N Joshua?" He asked cutting me off

"Yes, that Joshua and if you cut me off again ima break your nose." I laughed.

"So where was I before I was rudely interrupted?" I said jokingly. "So she dared me to go with him for a month. At first it was all just a dare until I actually started liking him and he actually started falling for me also. Then Jamie told him about the dare and he broke up with me and he pretty much never wants to talk to me again." My eyes were watery.

Ugh I hated Joshua for making me like him. I hated him so much.

"Why would Jamie do that?" He asked

"I don't know but I punched her in the face two times."

He cracked up laughing. "You can't go around just abusing people every time you get mad."

"Says who?" I laughed.

Antonio was asleep on the couch when I heard another knock in the door.

I opened it to see my mother. Her eyes were red and glossy and she smelt like dirty socks and liquor.

I couldn't bear to look at her so I slammed the door just as quick as I had opened it.

I couldn't bear to put up with her right now. Not after everything that had happened today. I walked into my room, cried a little, and fell asleep.


Antonio decided to stay the night with me since no one else was here and he didn't want me to be left alone.

I walked into the cafeteria, grabbed a tray, and sat with some cheerleaders. Jamie wasn't my only friend, I just hung out with her the most.

I did miss her but she trifling ass fuck for what she did. Why dafuq did she even do that?

Man fuck her, ion need her. I turned my head to see Joshua walking in the cafeteria.

He looked at me and then quickly looked away. God knows, I love this boy and hate him at the same time.

I can't believe he actually broke up with me. I wanted to go up to him and explain everything, explain how I didn't even go with him for the dare, how I went with him because I actually liked him, how I'm in love with him, but I couldn't bring myself to go to him.

He needed some space and some time to cool off and as much as I didn't like it, I respected it.

School flew by pretty fast and it was hella boring considering the fact that the people who I'm always with aren't even talking to me right now.

It was time to go so I grabbed my bookbag to walk out. As I was walking I happened to see Joshua.

I walked up to him but when he turned to look at me I quickly walked away.

I couldn't do it, no matter how much I wanted to. I was scared.

I walked out of the gate and put my earphones in. I played my favorite song. So sick by Neyo.

This was my shit especially when I was in my feelings.

I walked down the street singing loudly.

I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So sick of wishing
You were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio

I was singing my heart out when I turned around to see a white van pull up beside me. I saw a familiar face.

I felt something hard hit the top of my head, and then it went all black.

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