Part 3

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I was surprised when I woke up. Checking the time, I saw that I had slept in until 7:45 in the morning. I got up and got dressed in a red shirt and shorts before walking downstairs. My dad was on the couch watching the news. I walked over and stood next to the couch near him.

"No training today?" I asked.

Marcus shook his head. "No, not today. I decided you needed a break."

I nodded, looking down. I then got up and headed towards the kitchen. When I got in, I decided to make myself some breakfast. Today I decided to go for an egg omelette. I also knew how to make those so I decided to go ahead and do so.

I had almost finished hen I heard the tv turn up. I was about to ask why but Marcus answered before I could even ask.

"Alex, listen. It's about the Visit," he said.

I finished the omelette and set it out to cool. I then walked into the living room and looked at the tv. The anchorman in the news room just switched to an anchor woman on the beach and I sat on the arm of the couch to listen.

"We just got word that the Visit has been moved. It was supposed to be next Thursday but it appears to have been moved to this Friday, in two days," the woman reported. "The List will be released tomorrow. For those on it, you have the blessings of the whole Island for your survival."

The woman started to say something else but I didn't listen. I stood there and blocked out all the sounds around me as a million thoughts raced through my head. I didn't know where I would be taken when the humans came to take me. I didn't know what would be done to me or what my environment would be like.

I got snapped back to reality when Marcus stepped in front of me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and turned to him.

"Sorry, I spaced out there for a second," I apologized.

"It's okay," Marcus acknowledged. "I do that sometimes too."

I nodded and went back into the kitchen. My omelette cooled off enough to eat so I put it on a plate and sat at the table. After I ate, I went outside, telling Marcus that I was just going to roam around. Which meant I would need a pair of clothes ready out back for me to change into.

I closed the door behind me as I walked out of the cabin. I walked down the steps into the clearing. Making sure I had plenty of room, I closed my eyes. I then started the shifting process.

I started at my feet. I Imagined my feet compacting and turning into the hoof of a buffalo. I then imagined my legs growing hair and muscles until it was that of a buffaloes. I slowly turned my whole body into a buffalo.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I could only see the green and the blue. That was my vision kicking in. Buffaloes only could see blue, green, and yellow. And there was not any yellow around so right now I only saw the blue of the sky and the green of the grass and leaves. Everything else was either black, white, or grey.

I walked forward into the depths of the forest. I looked around at the grey trees and green plants. Animals scurried past me when they saw me but I didn't care. I wasn't here to hunt, only to walk. I also ate the leaves of some plants as I passed and the grass at parts that smelled good.

I felt something land on me and knew it was a bird. I didn't try to shake it off because I knew it wouldn't harm me. It was on the big part of my back and wasn't hurting me. So I let it sit there as I walked, not worried by its presence that much. I was startled as I heard a voice that came from above me.

"I've never seen you here before," it said. "What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to walk around. Who are you?" I asked.

Shifters: The Overture of SeditionWhere stories live. Discover now