Alpha mates (girlxgirl gxg lesbian)

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Chapter 1

"Dakota wake up!!"

I open my eyes to see my little brother standing in the door way.

"Ugh, what Timothy?" I mumbled.

"Mum and Dad said get up or you will be late for school."

"10 minutes.." I sighed as I tried to pry myself off of my very warm and comfortable bed.

I did what I do everyday which consists of showering, brushing my teeth putting my long blonde hair up and getting dressed into the schools shirt and skirt.

As I walked upstairs I could smell the bacon my mum was cooking.

I took a seat at the table along with the rest of my pack. Your probably wandering pack? Well let me fill you in...

My name is Dakota Elizabeth Reed, I'm 16 years old, waist length blond hair. I'm 5'8 tall and I have blue eyes and I'm a lesbian..... Anything else? Oh yeah I'm a werewolf but not just any ordinary werewolf, I'm the daughter of the alpha of the Moonshine Pack, which means I'm going to become the alpha of the pack as soon as my mate and I have mated.... And yes that means have sex.

Anyway now that you are up to date lets continue...

I stuffed my face with breakfast as I turned to look at the door open as Timothy walks in, now Timothy is only 15 years old, he has brown hair, brown eyes and a big nose that seems to be the right size for his face.

Anyway as he passes me he flicks my ear knowing it irritates me so I get out of my chair and pin him to the floor. He screamed as my nails dig into his arms and I smirk.

"Don't do that again mutt or you'll be my new sausage meat." I threatened.

"Oh Dakota leave the poor boy alone or he'll have to changed his pants again."

I shoot Timothy one more glare before standing and looking at my very muscular father.

My father would intimidate many people with one look of his fierce grey eyes burning into you and his short blonde hair styled nicely and his big nose that suited his face and his pink lips set into a scowl whenever he sets them upon someone he doesn't like.

"Oh hello daddy." I greet way too excitedly.

"Good morning Dakota, why are you so excited?"

"Well it is my birthday in two days I would have to be excited..... Anyway I gotta go, it's 07:30 and I don't want to be late. Love you dad. Love you mum."

"Bye dear!" My mum is sweet, she has brown long hair and brown eyes, and she has a small nose. She is 37 years old and is married to my father, they are the Luna and Alpha of our pack and I will soon be the alpha when I find my mate.

"Bye Kota" my dads voice boomed.

I got up along with other pack members and headed out the door. Everyone got in their cars while I got on my bike, no not a bicycle I mean my baby, my motorbike.

I arrived within 10 minutes and parked my bike in the same place as always; The popular leaders spot. I got up and walked into the school.

"Hey Kota." I turn around to see my best friend Katy running up to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hey Katy, how are you?"

"Oh I'm fine.... Have you heard the news?"

"Umm depends what news you're talking about"

"The new pack news." Katy whispered.

Now I know what you are thinking and no Katy is not a wolf, she knows about them but she isn't one she just knows about them I mean what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't tell her this kind of secret!

"Oh yeah I know my dad is meeting their alpha as we speak to see if we can have truce and be In the same area without any fighting." I whispered back.

"Oh cool, come on the bells about to go."

I was about to walk away with Katy when I got a sniff of the most amazing smell ever. It smelt like watermelon and the forest mixed together.

I ignored Katy when she asked me if I was ok and started walking towards the smell. I turned the corner and locked eyes with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. My mouth started watering at the breath taking sight.

She has brown hair, blue eyes, a medium sized nose and the cutest dimples. Her body was slim and had curves in all the right places... She looked so perfect.

We just stood there staring at each other as everybody clears the hall ways to go to next lesson.

All I could think about as Katy pulled me away is how perfect she looked. My inner wolf Amy is howling and screaming the word 'Mate.'


Hey guys this is my first book so yeah if it's rubbish don't be scared to voice your opinion really need your advice if its good ill carry on :)


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