Terrible Death.

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Heh :-) Hi!

After my last chapter, I posted it about 3:40 PM. At 01:00 AM I checked my profile only to see that my book has been read 4,000 more times than how many people had read it at 3 :-O.

I was amazed!

So right now it is 01:56 AM- English time. It is thundering and lightening and raining outside- but that's not a surprise, when Is It not raining in England...

Just figured I'd try to write another chapter as I'm not going to be able to sleep in this..



Chapter 29

It has been, i'd say a month roughly since the time we had that training and fight exercise. Me and Katy had a long conversations about being bitten and if she is ready and when to have it done and what she has to go through for her first change. In the end she decided to have a talk with Jessie, which I am happy she did.

To be honest, things couldn't have gotten any better, but all good things come to an end I guess.

Today, as we were eating breakfast when Ben and Jerry (** :-P **) came running into the kitchen out of breath.

"What's wrong." I asked.

"We-we were on on our p-patrol..... And... we felt... a strong f-force com...ing towards us. We r-ran as soon as we-we saw a big.. group of p-people run..ning towards.. us." Jerry finally said.

"Ok. Thank you."

'Everybody over 16 outside, be prepared to fight, it might not happen but prepare yourselves for the worst. Don't do anything until both Chris and I are there.'

"Mom, phone Teresa and tell them to come over. Tell them to come in wolf and not to drive so they are faster." I demanded.

I watched as my mom nodded at me before she ran off.

I hurry outside to see my pack snarling at the group of people opposite them. I stand in front next to Chris and take her hand before looking towards the people.

"State your business." Chris demanded.

"War." Some one yelled.

"Now? In front of our home?" I asked.

"Yes, now. We don't want to prolong your deaths any longer." I laughed upon hearing this.

"Our deaths? There will be one type of blood spilt today and I can ensure you, it won't be wolf."

The person at the front of the group, whom I'm guessing is the leader, laughed before looking between me and Chris.

"So is this it? I thought there would be more fighters. where is the Night Glider pack?"

"They'll be here." Chris said.

"They better, if not I guess we have to make another stop to there house after here."

"You won't get a chance because you won't be leaving this land alive." I stated cooly.

'Mom, could you and Lauren take everyone in the house into the safety area and don't come out until either me or Chris says so.'

'Sure thing hun, kick their bottoms!'

'Mom it doesn't sound right if you say 'bottoms''

'Dakota Elizabeth Reed I am not going to argue about this right now!'

"So... shall we begin?" The man asked.

"Can I at least know your name before I kill you?" I asked.

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