Chapter 1 - Starting Hogwarts

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Authors note- hey guys I'm back! Since I have no life, I have spent a while writing a story that's not on wattpad and I thought, let's see if it's any good or not. Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment and Follow if you like.

Authors Note #2 - Hey! This story have been given so much love and I feel like in the past I didn't respect that enough. But now I am gonna go through the story, make correction so when I see this book I will actually be proud. I hope you enjoy! 

Today's the big day! I'm finally starting Hogwarts! I should have started two years ago but Dumbledore said 'I need some help with control' so we had to wait for Ron to grow up a little so he can protect me. This obviously didn't go well with me.

But today I start! And thanks to Hermione I'm working above my level so I'm definitely gonna be in third year. It's going to be great!

As I had  finished packing my trunk, I headed downstairs. I wore a white sweater tank top, black high waisted jeans, black combat boots and my hair is down. I'm also wearing a black beanie. (The picture above is her usual look, not what she was wearing at the moment.)

I ran into the kitchen. 

"Hello Dyl." Ron said.

"Hello dearest brother." I said in a posh voice causing Ginny and George laughed.

"What made you so joyful?" My mum, Molly, laughed.

"Well today is a very big day today!" I said as I stole a piece of Ron's toast.

"Hey!" Ron shouted.

"You start Hogwarts today!" Ginny squealed.

"Yep of course! It's third year already! Can we go now because it's 10 o'clock I don't wanna be late." I jumped up and down.

"Okay come on everyone lets move." Mum said clapping to speed us up.

Thirty minutes later we arrived at platform 9 3/4.

"Bye mum!" We all said and scurried onto the train.

"Just be careful and watch out for Sirus Black!" She yelled after us.

We found Hermione in a carriage so we all sat with her. Harry was there as well.

"Oh Merlin! Dylan! You're here!" Hermione yelled and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"No shit Sherlock and stop being so emotional. It's weird." I winced at the word emotional. The only emotions I use are anger or happiness and every now and then excitement.

She rolled her eyes and say back down. I sat between Ron and Hermione and opposite Harry.

"So looking forward to this year Dyl?" Harry asked.

"Of course! I hope I'm-" I was cut off bye a rather tall, blonde hair boy, opening the door with a smirk on his face.

"Hello Potter! Sitting with your girlfriend are we?" He sneered. I think he was talking about Ginny, who was sitting next to him. I stood up.

"Shut it! We have been here five bloody minutes and your already making stupid accusations. Go back to your goons." I spat and pointed to the two boys standing behind him.

"Hello miss moody! How comes someone as fine as you are sitting with. Such pathetic people like potter, weaselbee, weaselette and a mud blood?" He smirked and lent against the door frame.

"Oh you know I'm new here I guess I done know the 'cool' kids but I don't think we have met before?" I smiled so sweetly it was sickening.

"That's Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Now what's your beautiful name?"

"Dylan." I said and shook his hand. I could feel the anger radiating off of the boys.

"What's your last name?" He said.

"Dylan Weasley. Ron Weasley's twin sister." I wiped the smirk off of his face and put it on mine. He glared at me.

"Egh! Another Weasley!" He said in disgust, flinching away from my hand

"Well at least being a Weasley is better than being a death eater in the making! Now turn around and take your boyfriends with you. Also do me a favour. Leave us Weasley's and Hermione and Harry alone before I break your nose." I smiled again and he actually turned around! I thought he would've put more of a fight up.

"Also.." I said which caused him to look at me again. I went on my tip toes and brushed my lips against his in a teasing manner. I pulled back and in his face I could see the shock.

"Also get a hair cut. The full triangle fringe look thing is appalling just like you and your family. Now run along." I smirked. 

"What?" He sneered.

"Did you not hear me?! Are you deaf?! Oh wait you are okay right I'll help. GET A HAIRCUT AND LEAVE US ALONE!" I shouted.

"Shut up Weasel!" He yelled.

"I'm not a rodent thank you! If anything you are!" I said between clenched teeth.

"Well you definitely look, smell and speak like one." He muttered.

"Oh you've done it now." Ron smirked.

"BITCH!" I screamed and dived on top of him.

I repeatedly punched him in the face until Rons laughter subsided and pulled me off. Ron sat in front of me and had to put a hand on my cheek gently.

See. With my anger if I get too bad my eyes will turn red and I need a twins touch to calm me down. Weird I know.

Malfoy scrambled to his feet and ran out with his goons slowly trailing behind.

"Someone got a tissue?" I sighed. Hermione nodded and handed it to me. I wiped off Malfoys blood and smiled.

"Why the bloody hell are you smiling!" Ron asked chuckling.

"Just that I haven't got to the school yet and I've already kicked the shit out of someone." I said happily.

"Well we are here now so let's go." Ginny said and we all nodded.

Here it is. Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I can't wait to be sorted into Gryffindor.

Once a Weasley, now a MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now