Chapter 7 - It begins...

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Slightly edited - 29th May

It's been a couple weeks since I have talked to Malfoy. I always ignore him.... Until this happened....

"Dylan stop ignoring me." He whined.

"Dylan come on. It isn't like he is a dad." Blaise smirked. I tensed from that statement.

"Blaise stop trying to piss me off." I growled.

"No I'm being serious Dylan! He isn't a dad! Pansy lied to get rid of you!" I clenched my fists and my knuckles turned white.

"Then why the fuck are you with her?!" I screamed at Draco. The whole hall went silent.

"People stop being nosy fuckers and go back to your conversations m'kay." The hall went back to everyone talking.

"I'm dating her because of Blaise. He made me a bet saying I couldn't bang her in under a year and I've done it! Me and Pansy have broken up." He smiled at me. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I've missed you." I whispered.

"I've missed you too Weasel." He smirked.

It was just me, Draco and Blaise sitting at a table when the idea of revenge came into my head.

"Oh Merlin I have the best idea ever!" I squealed.

"What are you on about?" Blaise chuckled.

"I say we get revenge!" I smirked.

"Oh how I've missed my evil Weasel." Draco high fived me.

"Well what we are gonna do is Draco and I are going to fake date. Everyone apart from us three will think it's real. Then, at some point, we drop a bomb shell on her saying we are getting married or I'm pregnant or something then she will go cry in a corner!" I had a evil smile planted on my face.

"Sounds great" Blaise exclaimed. 

"Now Draco. I have no feelings for you but-" 

"I bet in 1 year of dating you will have feelings for me." He smirked.

"I bet in 1 year you will have feelings for me!" I smirked.

"First one to say I love you and means it looses." Draco smirked.

"Deal! Now Draco kiss me and make it-" I was cut off by his lips. I heard gasps from all around us as I tangled my fingers in his blonde hair.

When we pulled apart we were trying to catch our breaths.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" My brother yelled at me.

"As you know Ron, me and some Slytherins have become friends. I guess me and Draco have become more than that." I smiled over to Draco.

"Now you too are gonna try and get along. For me." I smiled at them both.

"Let's forget the past." Draco said. I saw Ron smiled and nod slightly.

"Hello, nice to meet you I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." I saw half the Slytherin girls just stare at Malfoy, day dreaming of him becoming nice for them.

"I'm Ron. Ron Weasley. You should know that since your dating my twin." He smiled and they shook hands.

"Ah yes. Dylan is something else isn't she. She's smart, funny, brave and has that little quirky side of her. Perfect in my eyes." Draco smiled lovingly down at me. 

"Well as long as you look after her, there will be no trouble." Ron smiled then walked off.

"Next step. Befriending Pansy." I whispered in his ear. He pulled me over to his mates.

"You alright guys." I smiled.

"Hello Dylan." All the guys chirped.

"Pansy, look I'm-" 

"I'm so sorry Dylan! I was just a little but jealous is all. I didn't want you kicked out of Hogwarts. Honest." 

"It's fine Pansy. Don't worry about it I'm back now aren't I. I wanna be your mate. I don't have many girl mates." I looked slightly sad for show and all the popular Slytherin girls said,

"Of course you can be our friends!" Pansy smiled.

Stage 1: befriend 'boyfriend' and brother.
Stage 2: befriend Pansy.
Stage 3: gain people's trust.....

Once a Weasley, now a MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now