Chapter 3 - Locked out

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Slightly edited - 29th May

"Hello Professor." I smiled as I walked into the Potions class.

"Ah Hello Miss Weasley! Hello Mr Malfoy! What would you like? Help on the homework? Wait you wouldn't want that because your both top of the class." He pondered.

"We just came to get my Potion for tonight. I took it this morning so I need my night one." I explained.

"Oh yes well here you are." He handed me a small bottle filled with my anger medicine.

"Sir which one of us is at the top. Me, Dylan or Hermione?" Malfoy questioned.

"Well at the top is Dylan, then Hermione and then you Draco but your tied with Hermione and Dylan is working at a fifth year level." Snape smiled.

"That's not true is it?" Draco asked.

"Yep I can do a lot of potions perfectly." I gloated.

"Like what?" He raised and eye brow and Snape had an amused look.

"I can make a polyjuice potion in 2 days when it takes a month, An ageing potion, Amortentia, the babbling beverage, blemish blitzer, Bloodroot Potion and that's jut a few." I said and Malfoy's eyes widened.

"You should both go since it's 15 minutes until you have to be in your dorms." Snape said.

"Okay bye professor." Me and Draco said in unison.

We left the classroom.

"See you later then." I turned around and started walking away but he followed me.

"What are you doing Malfoy?" I asked.

"I'm not letting you walk back to your common room alone when Sirius Black is on the loose."He chuckled.

"I can look after myself thanks."

"I doubt that you can block the killing curse." He laughed.

"And you can?" I retorted.

"Well yeah. My aunt taught me how to block it." He gloated.

"Who's your aunt?" I questioned.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." He smirked and I stopped walking.

"Your related to a death eater and the person who killed Neville's parents?!" I shouted in disbelief.

"Yeah but I'm not a death eater so don't be scared Weasel." He chuckled.

"I still don't trust you and how do you have friends if people know your related to death eaters?" I asked.

"Well I don't really tell people." He shrugged.

"So, why tell me Malfoy?"

"Because you have no friends to tell." He smirked.

"Yes I do! I could tell Harry or Ron or Hermione." I pointed out.

"But you won't."

"I could."

"Well I trust you." He said.

"I don't believe that you trust me." I said.

"I don't care. We are here now." He turned around and went to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"What's the password?" I asked.

"I'm a Slytherin Weasel so I don't know the password. Why Don't you know it?" He questioned.

"To settle me in I had my own room near Dumbledore's Office but now I'm in a room with Hermione and Ginny and Its my first day of being allowed in here so I don't know it." I said and sat down on the floor.

"What are you doing Weasel?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Sleeping on the floor." I said.

"No your not." He sighed and helped me up.

"What am I going to do the Malfoy?" I asked.

"Your gonna stay with me and my mates."

"Ha. No I'm not Malfoy. People will think I've slept with you or something." I laughed.

"Well no one will know come on. You'll be murdered if you stay out here all night." He tried to persuade me but I wouldn't listen. He sighed and walked over to me. Before I could questioned him, he lifted me up Bridal style and carried me down the stairs.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

"Well you wasn't going to go yourself so I'm carrying you. You're really light by the way." He explained.

"I know." I yawned.

"You can go to sleep in a minute because look we are in the Common room." He whispered.

"I'm using one of your shirts as PJ's by the way." I smiled whilst closing my eyes.

"It might be a little big since your up to my shoulder." He mentioned.

"That's the point."I said.

"Hello boys." Draco said suddenly.

"Who's the redhead?" One asked as Draco put me down.

"Its the new Weasley girl." He said.

"Ah should we give you both privacy mate? I knew it wouldn't be too long until you fucked her." The boy said.

I lazily walked over to him, smiled sweetly then kicked him in the balls. Everyone in the room burst out laughing and I smiled.

"Little miss feisty." A different boy smirked.

"Next person to be a dick head will loose an arm." I yawned and they all laughed. I walked up to the one who called me feisty and grabbed his wrist. I pulled him down so it looked like I was about to kiss him but instead whispered,

"Never underestimate a Weasley." And twisted his wrist so he cried out in pain, but I didn't break it.

"What's your name?" The one who I kicked in the balls asked.

"Dylan Weasley." I smiled.

"Well I'm Blaise Zabini, the one who's crying on the floor in Goyle and the other one is Crabbe. Now if you aren't banging Malfoy, why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm locked out of Gryffindor because I don't know the password so Malfoy forced me to stay here and with that being said Malfoy give me a shirt." I ordered.

"Fine, here." He threw me a shirt and I undressed. The boys stared at me so I quickly pulled the top over my head.

"Nice body..." Goyle said in awe.

"Thanks. Night people." I lied down in Draco's bed and drifted off into a deep sleep, The smell of bitter sweet mint invading my nostrils.

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