Chapter 6- 2 years Later

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Shout out to AccioBlaise for supporting me so much x

Slightly edited - 29th May

It's been 2 years since I left. Everyday that goes by reminds me of the pain I caused others and the guilt gets stronger. Every morning I look out the window to see if I get any mail which obviously I don't but I still have hope. Hermione's words repeat in my mind as I sleep.
Your a monster

If I was still there, I would be starting fifth year in 5 days. Sadly I'm not.

My thought were cut off by a tapping sound on my window. There stood an owl with a letter on its claws. I stroked it's head and took the letter. It said,

Dear Dylan Weasley,
It's been almost two years since we last saw you and I am delighted to inform you that you shall join Hogwarts again. We really believe you could become an auror but you of course need the education. Can't wait to see you. You will be staying with your family once again. See you soon.
Your sincerely,
Albus Dumbledore.

Oh Merlin! I'm coming back baby! Woo! I best start packing.

The next day I put all my bags in the chimney and I stood there too. I grabbed a handful of green dust and shouted,
"To the Weasley's burrow!"

"Mum! Dad! Fred, George! Ron! Gin!" I yelled.

"Dylan!" Fred shouted and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Next to hug me was George.

"Ah! There's my girl!" Dad yelled and hugged me.

"Dylan dear!" Mum and Ginny hugged me too.

"Look Gin I'm so sorry about before." I said into her hair as she hugged me.

"It's okay Dyl. I'm glad your back." She let go and there I saw my dear twin.

"Why's everyone shouting Dy-" he cut himself off when he saw me.

"Dylan!" He yelled and ran at me. We fell to the floor and laughed.

"I missed you too Ron." I chuckled.

"It's been so weird without you. Even Malfoy has changed! He told me what happened when we took Harry to the infirmary and he was there. So was Blaise and Pansy. He has been genuinely sad since and asked me everyday for a whole year if you were coming back." He smiled. My heart warmed when he told me that.

"Sorry everyone for what did happen. Everyday since then, Dumbledore made a really strong potion for me so I'm a lot calmer now. I've actually forgotten what anger feels like." I smiled. 

Hogwarts here I come!

"Ready now Dyl?" Ron asked as we stepped onto the platform.

"Ready." I smiled. Ron found Harry sitting with Hermione but he blocked me so they couldn't see me.

"Ello mates." He smiled.

"Hello Ron(ald)" Hermione called him Ronald but Harry called him Ron.

"Right before I reveal the present, Don't be afraid or mad because they have changed a lot."

"Just show us." Harry chuckled. Ron stepped to the side and I stepped in.

"Miss me?" I said.

"DYLAN!" They shouted.

"Shh, my arrival is a surprise. But I'm back for good."

"We talked for about an hour until someone opened the door. They quietly stepped in.

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