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HEY lovely readers so I know I have made some mistakes like bill and Fleur were already married and the had a daughter before Harry and Ginny so there just going to have three baby after Hinny. And sorry if I get stuff wrong it's just I have a story line set up so I'm working with that and I will take suggestions of you guys so what you want to read might be in here so don't forget to vote love !!!!!!!(oh I was online trying to work out Ginnys age about 3 years after the war I think she's now about 20 or 21 so I'm going with 21)

Ginnys P.O.V

This is the best birthday ever so far. Everyone I guess is trying to make it the best birthday since the accident a few days ago. Ginny mum yell were ready to give you your gifts. Coming. Oh guys there's so many gifts you didn't have to. Let's start. Charles gave me a dragon locket it's so pretty thank you. Next Bill and Fleur gave me this potion herbal tea set. It'll help with cramps and pains she reassured. Thank you it's very thoughtful. George gave me a trick broom you swap it with someone from the other teams broom and when they fly it goes out of control. Thanks George I laughed Rons broom might be going out of control soon. We all laughed even Ron. I'm next Hermoine insisted. She gave me a book set I wanted of tips and tricks in Quiddith. Thank you so much Moine. Ron and Percy gave me the fire bolt 490. Oh my god Ron, Percy thank y you so much!!!
No problem sis all for you they said together. Mum dad thank you so much. They got me the latest set of Quiddith. No problem honey.
Don't forget about me. Harry joked. I'll go get your present. He came back with a cage with a blanket over it. Tad da Harry said lifting the blanket of. It's a dog. Oh my god Harry is it a girl or boy. I said excitedly. It's a girl puppy golden retriever. She's beautiful oh what should I name her.............. She has beautiful hazel eyes there so noticeable....... So I shall call her Hazel. That's a great name everyone chorused. I asked your mum and dad before I got her to see if it was okay if she stayed here. They said yes Harry said. Oh Ginny I hexed her so she can speak Hermoine said proudly. Hello hazel I'm Ginny. Hi Ginny your my new owner will you love me and look after me ? of course I will Hazel wow this is going to be great.

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