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I'm so sorry guys I don't have much plans until the labor so I'll just try make it work. Love ye 💜💜

Ginnys P.O.V (5 months pregnant)

Here Hazel come here girl. Coming Ginny is it walk time. Yes it is hazel come on girl. Gin should  you be walking her still your 5 months pregnant I could walk her. Harry suggested. If you had your way Harry Potter I'd be in bed all day and be treated like a queen. I joked well then I'll come with you he declared. Before I could answer. I was in pain ah...... I whimper the baby kicked Harry he's still doing it wow he kicks hard. Harry comes over  and rapes his hand around my small baby bump and feels my stomach. I can feel it. His face lights up. Oh our baby he exclaims. So........we're not going walking hazel interrupted. If
That's okay hazel well go in a little while if that's okay. Yes Ginny it's fine I'll go play with Ron. Hazel bounces of to Ron. Me and Harry go up to my room and i cuddle up to Harry for a little nap.

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