Rick Jr.

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I haul a large Christmas tree at out of the back of my new heavy duty truck I bought myself for Christmas. Mama Bobbi walks out of the house with only a nightgown clad in a thick and deep purple bathrobe and pink bunny slippers, I grunt as I lift the tree like a baby into the nook of my elbow. "Mama Bobbi you should be inside with the kids and Katie." I say with a large gulp of breath while dragging it over the icy sidewalk to he stairs. "Yes, but don't you need some help." Mama Bobbi exclaims while wobbling down the rickety stairs.

 "No, Bobbi go inside with your daughter and grandchildren." Mama Bobbi shakes her head in surprise and walks back up the stairs silently, when she's reached the door she turns back smiling "You are a good man Junior, I hope you bring this family true happiness." with that she walks back into warmth of the Christmas cheer.

 He smiles to himself and gets the tree through the door watching as melted snow drops from his snow clad winter clothes and the snow covered tree. "Matthew, don't go over there your father is carrying something very heavy!" Katie yells as Matthew rounds the corner and runs right smack into the back of my legs.

 I teeter a little but then catch myself before I topple onto tiny Matthew. "Buddy what do you think your doin'?" I look down at Matthew who has the greenest eyes I've seen an African American have. "Pap I wanted to help because I have muscles too!" I chuckle and put the tree against the wall and pick little Matthew up. "How about you help with the decorating with you big brother and little sister." I say with a smile while carrying him back to his mother and siblings.

 "Matthew, don't ever scare me like that again." Katie sighs a long sigh as the fire crackles behind her petite figure. I walk over to Katie and hand her Matthew turning back around to retrieve the tree when Katie sighs again. "Hun, what's wrong?" I turn back, look at her tired face and sigh myself.

 "I'm sorry I've been so busy this month Katie, I didn't want to make it seem like I've been ignoring you." Katie closes her eyes while sitting Matthew on her lap and running her small hand over Lindsey's small, curly covered head. "I think Lindsey is very sick Rick and I don't know what to do; I've never seen anything like it."

 I rub my face remembering the hard child birth, then the ear infections, the never stopping fevers that would make her cry and scream all night long keeping Katie up almost throughout the whole time Lindsey's been born. "I'm getting paid soon and when I do, I'm sure I'll be able to afford any hospital bills we might get then we'll take her."

 Katie groans and picks Lindsey up with a stubborn frown set between her beautiful eyebrows that I love. "But that's putting the other children at risk and I have a surprise.." I walk back over and sit in the rocking chair across from the love seat. "Tell me." I look in her tear filled eyes and wait for bad or good news not knowing really what to expect. "We're pregnant!" she shouts while jumping up into my lap. "Oh my god, We're pregnant again!?" I gasp in joy and weep into her bony collarbone and kiss her neck.

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