Chasing the shadows

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When Camille finally settles into my apartment and I introduce her to my roommates, we all sit down and eat a meal that Thomas and Margo made for a surprise Christmas meal. As I munch on the yummy dinner I think of all the things that have happened just in a year; good or bad. I got a job, which is fun, My sister is pregnant and my Mama is undergoing knee surgery when she's not in deep slumber after watching throwback episodes of NCIS. 

"So, Margo are you getting that job promotion?" I ask as I finish my bite of string beans (which are more than delicious). Margo drops her fork in surprise than clears her throat. "I was let go." Margo stares at her food with guilt and sadness weighing down her tiny shoulders.

 Now it's my turn to drop my fork in surprise. "You were what?" I ask hurriedly not wanting to sound mad or pitiful. "Steven let a lot of women go today and I am a women. I got a fancy letter, an e-mail and a phone call saying I was to pack up my office and take a long vacation." I frown causing wrinkles on my forehead my mother always complained about.

 "That's not a proper way to let go of someone; 'Pack up and take a long vacation.' That's just horrible, I'm going to call this boss of yours Steven, you said?" Margo shakes her head, eyes wide. "Oh, Ronda I really do appreciate that but you don't have to; he's a very well-known man ..." I slam my fist on the table forgetting all my manners for a dinner table. "I don't give a damn Margo, you've worked hard throughout your time working for this man 'Steven' and I will be talking to him because this seems to only apply for women!" 

I grab my silverware, place them on my plate with my dirty napkin and my glass half empty. "Please excuse me, I've lost my appetite." I march out of the dinning room like an arrow on fire being aimed toward the kitchen sink. I mumble my displeasure's as Camille walks in with a look of worry. 

"Sis, you've been acting so differently lately; what's wrong?" Camille places her dirty dishes in the sink on top of my own and leans against the counter top. "Camille, I just can't understand the why people are so arrogant. Thinking that they can just fire any and every women because they want to." Camille nods her head in agreement but clasps her hand onto my shoulder.

 "Ronda, I know you don't run from your demon or what you call your shadows but you also can't chase them because some are just too fast; even for you." With that Camille walks back into the dinning room with a rehearsed smile and helps clean up. Just like a women should. I think as I chuck my small glass at the ugly yellow wallpaper, it smashing into millions of pieces before my eyes. 

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