Chapter Six- Don't Let Me Go

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The rest of the day was spent at Harry's. We laid on his floor with pictures surrounding us. He showed me each one telling a story behind the picture.  

"This one, we recently saw an eighties movie. So we found a milkshake shop and danced to the jukebox." He handed me a picture of him with his hair quiffed and Adelaide in an old skirt.  

"Harry, how do you keep payments on this house?" 

He sat up and took a break from the pictures.  

"When my adoptive parents moved they left me a bank account with fifty thousand dollars in it. I vowed to use it strictly on bills. I sing at a coffee shop for food and clothing money." 

He handed me a picture, he was sitting on a bench with Adelaide. They were holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, their noses touching. Plastered on their faces were grins that screamed in love.  

"This is my favorite." 

I studied the picture, "It's adorable." 

Later, we were sitting on his stools in the kitchen, drinking coffee.  

"What was it like in the orphanage?" I asked adding vanilla to my coffee.  

He set his coffee on the counter as he rested his elbows on the edge, leaning, "It was nice. A room to play in, it was clean, good meals but.. It wasn't home. You know? I found home here though. That's why I don't want to leave." 

I nodded. I looked in his gorgeous green eyes and noticed, he isn't spooky anymore. He isn't mysterious, just misunderstood. He isn't the guy three houses down. He is my friend. My good friend. Maybe even my best friend.  

"Tatum, can I ask a favor of you?" 

"Of course!" 

"If you agree I expect full commitment though, okay?" 

"Alright Harold." I said chuckling.  

"Will you help me get over her?" 

His question threw me off, I wasn't expecting it, "Well yeah! I'd love to! What makes you want to?" 

He let out a sigh, "Hanging out with you makes me realize that I shouldn't cling on to what was. I need to live now and prepare for the future." 

I smiled and got out of my seat. I walked to the living room and collected all the photos. I brought it back to him and set them on the countertop.  

"What's this for?" 

"We're going to burn them." 

"WHAT? That's practically my life right there!!!" 

"Not all of them. All but this one."  

I slid his favorite across to him. He grabbed it and looked up at me with a worried look.  

"Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his backyard with the photos.  

"Lighter?" I held my hand out.  

"I don't have one." 

"That is bullshit." I dug in his back pocket and pulled out a lighter, "Told you." 

I lit the lighter and motioned for Harry to put a photo or two in the flame. He hesitated and I gave him a 'seriously.' look. He finally closed his eyes and put three photos in. He dropped them on the concrete as they burned to ash. We continued to do this until we were done. 

"Harry Styles, you've just burned over two hundred photos, how do you feel?" I asked in a manly reporter voice.  

"Well Tatum, I definitely am upset but I won't regret it." He replied in a reporter voice as well.  

He pulled me into a hug squeezing me tight.  

"I play at the coffee shop tonight. I want you to go." 


"Because it's what best friends do." 

I smiled and nodded, pulling him in another hug. I went home, it was only four thirty. That means I have two and a half hours until I needed to be at the coffee shop. I got a snack and decided to watch some tv until I need to leave.

The coffee shop was pretty packed. I took a seat in front of the stage and watched a woman walk out to the mic.  

"Tonight, singing, we have a regular, he's very popular with you people and if you are new, I think you'll enjoy him! Give it up for, Harry Styles!" 

Harry walked on the stage with a guitar. He smiled cheekily and put his hand up, acknowledging their applause. He sat on the stool and pulled the mic closer.  

"Hey guys, tonight I'm only singing one song. I just wrote it before I got here. I hope you all like it. It's called, Don't Let Me Go." 

He strummed a few chords and began singing. 

"Now you were standing there right in front of me, I hold on its getting harder to breathe. All of a sudden these lights are blinding me. I never noticed how bright they could be, I'll keep my eyes wide open, I'll keep my arms wide open, Don't let me... Don't let me... Don't let me go! Cause I'm tired of feeling alone." 

He continued singing through the whole song. It was beautiful. It gave me goosebumps, I couldn't believe he wrote it in two and a half hours. After the song was finished he received a huge applause. He made his way over to me after a series of, "Thank you." to a bunch of people.  

"Harry, that was amazing!" 

He pulled me out of the shop to the sidewalk and we sat on the steps. 

"Do you know why I wrote it?" He asked.  

"I have a few ideas but not sure about which." 

"There's two reasons. One, I'm letting Adelaide go. But I want her to know I am because I have to, so I don't want her to let me go up in heaven. Two, you've been a great friend, Tatum. And it's amazing how close we've gotten within three days. You truly listen and understand me. So I also wrote this to you. I don't want you to let me go. I was so alone before and you came along and gave me a friendship. I needed that. Thank you." He hugged me. 

"Harry, you've been a great friend to me too. Thank you for trusting me enough to open up your thoughts like this. It means a lot." 

For the first time in a while, I felt complete. I felt happy. I loved our friendship and never would I let him go.


Sorry this chapter was so short.  

Do you guys like how I incorporated Don't Let Me Go? :D 


1. Do you think Harry will truly get over Adelaide? 

2. What do you think everyone including Harry means by "Harry is dangerous."?

Okay peacekies :)

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