Chapter 27- World Alone

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The following day was bright and warm. I didn't stay the night at the hospital like usual. instead I went back home to check on things and I just stayed there. But, I woke up pretty early so that I could get things done.

I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Walking down the stairs, I could smell the savory aroma of bacon. I was welcomed by my four favorite guys all sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Hey Haz! We made you some breakfast." Lou slid me a plate with pancakes drizzled in blueberry syrup and bacon lining the edge.

"Thanks man!" I grabbed a fork and plunged it in the fluffy breakfast delight.

"So uh... we heard about Adelaide. Are you okay lad?" Liam sipped his orange juice and leaned on the counter.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine!" I said, a mouth full of pancakes, "We're in the past. She has to move on. I did. I mean, I don't even live in my old house anymore. So I can't be constantly around her." I grinned trying to assure them I was feeling great.

"Alright. If you ever need someone to talk to, there's four of us." Zayn smiled and put his empty dishes in the dishwasher.

"Oh, the label called. They want to meet you for lunch. I wrote everything they said down." Niall handed me a sticky note with a bunch of scribbled notes on it.

"Thanks." I studied what it said.

The guys finished up and slowly disappeared back to their rooms. But, I just stayed. I sat on my stool looking around. Taking in all that's happened. I slid off my chair and put my dishes away. I loitered there for a few minutes, fiddling with the lights, looking in the cabinets, and finally, opening Tatum's room door. It's been awhile since she was in there. It was a little messy. I straightened up a bit, when she would come home I didn't want her stressed. I walked over to her desk. I accidentally bumped the mouse and her screen lit up. Her background was a picture of us of never seen but it was adorable. It was from the day we matched, both in red plaid flannel and dark jeans. But the photo was taken from behind, we were holding hands looking at each other. Pure bliss on our faces. I smiled and turned around.

"She's gonna be okay." Zayn softly stated.

"I know." I slouched on her bed.

"Do you? I know that ever since you met her you've been a completely different person. It's awesome. But when she's hurt, you can tell by looking at you. You look worn out buddy." He took a seat next to me.

"I'm just worried. How do I know 100% she's gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay?"

"You don't. But all you can do is hope. how about we have a guys day? It can get your mind off of things. We'll get a limo, drink, go to a club. It'll be fun."

"I don't know, Zayn. Clubs aren't really my thing."

"They are today. Come on curly!"

"Fine, but after my lunch with the label. okay?"

I went upstairs to get ready. I hopped in the shower and played some music.

I danced around my room a little as I was getting ready. I tied a bandana around my head and walked out my door. I went to the front door and grabbed my keys. I shouted, "Hey guys, off to lunch. Be back in an hour!"

Just like that I was gone. At the studio, I had my own parking spot. It was labeled with my full name on a sign and everything. I walked in the big building and down the hall.

"Hey, Maria. What's new?" Maria was a new manager. She just kept an eye on what was being done with the music. Not necessarily a client manager.

"Oh, nothing. The others are in the back room waiting for you. They ordered Thai food."

"Great! Thanks."


(Louis's point of view)

"So what do we got planned here boys?" I cracked a beer open, even though it was only noon, and sipped at it.

"Harry will be back around one, one thirty. We can buy some six packs and I'm thinking we should go to laser tag for the rest of the day. It would be fun." Niall said, grinning.

"Hey, yeah! We used to always go play laser tag. Do you guys remember?" Zayn added

"Let's get a limo!"

Liam called the limousine service. Zayn went out to buy some beer and Niall called the laser tag place to check the price per game.

I walked up to Harry's room to find some evidence of things he does for fun. Instead, I found a lot of pictures of him and Tatum, empty bags of chips, and a notebook labeled 'ideas'.

I really shouldn't have been snooping but I sat down and opened it. I read the first one titled 'House of Cards'.

~It's been a while since I've talked to you

~You've got me pacing around this cold dark room

~You're so cold

~It's like you're not even here

But after that it just stopped. Like he quit writing it. At the bottom he wrote 'label doesn't like it'. The next page was the same only at the bottom he wrote 'writer's block'. Page three was a little longer and at the bottom it said 'do NOT show anyone'.

So I read it.

It was about Adelaide. How he missed her and she came in his life so suddenly but he couldn't be around her or he would do something regretful.

Does Harry still love her?


Hi guys :3

I've been trying to make my chapters longer. I've been slacking off and I apologize. I saw this broke 2k reads! wow! thanks so much! I am beginning another story, it's called My Teacher's Son. I would be so grateful if you just checked it out. Tell me what you thought about this chapter!



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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