Chapter Seven- Talking to the Moon

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I woke up for school. Ugh, monday.. everyone's favorite weekday. I didn't want to try or do my hair or anything. So, I got in the shower then threw on sweatpants and v-neck. I threw my hair up into a messy bun. My mom was downstairs getting ready as well. I applied light makeup, just eyeliner and mascara. I gathered my books, my bag, my purse, and all with thirty minutes left. I decided to lay on my bed and write for the majority of the time.

'I'm his friend. Not just a friend. A BEST friend. I don't know why but he just means so much to me already. Knowing he was just as broken as I am gives us a connection that I won't let slip away. He's always on my mind.. I can't stand it, but I love it. I don't know if I just really love this strong friendship or if... if I like him.'

I shut my journal when I heard my mom yell for me. I ran down the stairs and looked in the kitchen at my mom.


"A friend is here. He said he wants to walk to school with you." My mom gave me the look of, 'You guys dating or..?'

I looked at the front door where Harry was standing, smirking. He held his arms out as I ran up to hug him.

"Hello, Mr. Styles." I smiled up at him.

"Good morning Miss Worthy."

"You know we dont have to head out for like twenty minutes right?" We were still in a hug, my hands on his chest, his arms around me.

"Well duh, we can hang out for twenty minutes more!" He finally released the hug.

I led him up to my room so we could talk.

"How's life?" He asked bouncing on my bed.

"Life is good. What about you Haz?" I spun in my computer chair.

"It's great. I feel great." He smirked again revealing that adorable dimple.

"That's... great!"

He was just sitting there smiling, for no apparent reason. I threw a small pillow at him.

"What are you thinking about?"

"You." He wasn't much higher than a whisper and I could barely make out what he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I said eulogy. I was thinking of the eulogy I gave." He stuttered through his words.

"Oh, what was her funeral like? I only remember my grandpa's funeral and a bunch of crying old people and family I don't see were there." He threw my pillow at me, missing, and hitting the chair.

"This is why I play football not baseball. Well, her funeral was... sad... llike any other. It was a beautiful day for a funeral, which I'd rather it be. She was put at rest on a day that described her. Bright, cheerful, full of delight, only the day wasn't like that. I woke up, got ready, went there, gave my eulogy, cried.. a lot, you could only imagine what I've been doing is only half as much. But then, I left roses on her and left. It was for sure the saddest thing I've ever done. But, it's the past now. I think I've pretty much let her go, thanks to you." He flashed his gorgeous smile at me, making me smirk in return.

"It must have been tough. Just burying my dog was tough. Metophorically burying a friendship is tough. It's always hard getting rid of something that was always there."

"Tatum... if you don't mind me asking, I'd never really come along anyone who's had an eating disorder... and..." he paused hesitantly.

"You can ask anything about it. I don't mind. It's what built me."

"Did your mom know you had one?"

"For the longest time.... no.... She only found out because at school one day, I passed out and they sent me to a psychological ward because they could tell it was from not eating. My mom was informed and I had to stay there for a month and a half until I was better. I wasn't completely better though, I still had thoughts and stuff so I had to see a therapist. I'm all good now."

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