Chapter Eight- Heart On My Sleeve

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"Wait, you actually believe Eliza killed Adelaide?" I was completely thrown off.

"Well, not that she killed her. But, let me explain. So, at first, before I got to know Adelaide, I knew Eliza because I was already friends with Louis and Jack. Eliza and I hit it off pretty well and you could say we began to like each other. We didn't have a connection though. Just, liked talking to each other. So when I met her sister, it clicked. We clicked. Immediately. Eliza didn't like that and she grew jealous. She was always trying to get Adelaide away from me. Going on weekend camping trips, making shopping plans, taking her to dinner, bonding time that clearly wasn't needed. She was the one who got Adelaide to go on the ship. She didn't want to go at first but Eliza talked her into it." He sighed.

"You can't run from them forever though. I'm sure Eliza hated herself for it."

"But I just can't bear to see her without thinking of Adelaide."

"I understand they were sisters but why can't you just think of when Eliza and you were friends?"

"They were twins."

That's what hit me. I knew they looked alike but I didn't make the connection. All the pictures of Adelaide and Harry, they were turned or something so that I couldn't see her face as well as I should. The photo album I found, the first picture, was either Eliza or Adelaide. I just didn't ever realize it.

"Oh, I didn't know."

"But Adelaide was so much more down to earth. That's why I loved her."

"Well, I won't pressure you into hanging out with them if you don't want to."

"Friday I've got a gig at the cafe. But I suppose we could hangout afterwards. I don't mind. As long as you're there."

"We'll meet you at the cafe." I looked at him and smiled.

As time passed and the moon slid across the sky in a soft glow, we ended up falling asleep right there in the middle of a field lost in the country side. The calming whistle of the wind through the trees was no help keeping us awake.

I woke up turned on my side. I rolled my body over and found myself inches from Harry's face. His arm was wrapped around me. I'm sure it just happened in his sleep and honesty, I kind of liked it. I gently checked my phone for the time. It wasn't bright out yet so I knew it couldn't be no later than seven. The luminescent glow read 6:12 so I fell back asleep comforted in Harry's arms.

The next time I had awoken, Harry was sitting next to me writing. I sat up and stretched.

"Good morning, sunshine." Harry's raspy morning voice said to me.

"You too! What are you writing?" I leaned next to him for a peek.

"Ah, ah. No looking. I'm writing a song for Friday. I hope you'll like it." He closed his notebook labeled "My Songs" how cliche.

Harry and I drove back to my house to go swimming. It was a warm spring day and I didn't want to burn my skin off in the blistering sun, thankfully Harry agreed. My mom was home for lunch and actually got to know Harry pretty well. They talked about his music, her job, his adoptive parents, how he's been providing for himself, and how I'm helping him become a star. When my mom left we changed into some swimwear.

I ran out back and stood on the diving board.

"Performing her greatest skill ever attempted, Tatum Worthy, ladies and gentlemen!" I spoke as if I was announcing for the Olympics and I took a bow. Harry stood next to the diving board and laughed at me.

"She's going to need 100% concentration to perform this triple-"

I was cut off by a manly voice.

"Triple tackle!" Harry shouted.

"What's that?" I asked pausing my diving fantasy.

"This!!" He ran and jumped, tackling me off the board and into the water. I thrashed and broke the surface and found Harry's curls all wet in front of me.

"Haz!!!" I shouted.

"Yes my dear?" He asked.

"You tackled me!"

"I did no such thing!" He gasped almost convincing me.

"You didn't tackle me, I didn't agree to helping you with YouTube." I nagged winking at him.

"That reminds me, we should get on that!" Harry exclaimed pulled me to the edge.

"Haz, I can swim by myself." I said getting out of the water.

"I know, but its more fun this way." He laughed pulling me inside.

We dried off and he got into some cute casual clothes. He wore his favorite beanie, a 'The Fray' t-shirt, vans, and skinny jeans. I changed into more comfortable clothes, too. I ran upstairs and grabbed my video camera and my guitar.

"Okay Harry. You can play your new song since it's an original. Just sit on my couch and I'll play with the angles." I set up one camera facing him and one off to the side and closer to his face.

"So I just... Sing?" He was clearly confused on the whole idea.

"Yeah. Just sing and play. Ready? Go!" I pressed the record buttons.

I sat on my stool admiring his beautiful voice. The way it slurred through the words, how you could hear a faint accent in some sentences, when he closed his eyes during passionate verses, and before I knew it, the beautiful moment was gone. But I had it on tape. I paused the videos.

"How was that?" He asked.

"Perfect. Really. Now come upstairs with me. The editing won't take long." He followed me upstairs.

I plugged the cameras into my computer and uploaded the videos. I clipped some scenes and made sure the audio wasn't messed up. I made it a little brighter and black and white.

"Wow, you really did me justice." Harry said watching the final product.

"Thanks. It wasn't hard." I smiled and saved the file.

"Can we add another scene?" Harry asked.

"Sure, of course! But why?"

"Because I want the world to see the amazing girl that helped me." He grabbed the camera and video taped me and told the world who I was and what I had just accomplished. I felt embarrassed but flattered. I added the clip to the end and got on YouTube to upload it. The waiting time was eighty seven minutes. Great.

"What do you want to do in the meantime?" I asked.

Harry shuffled through my CDs and put my Parachute CD into the player.

"Let's listen to music." He changed the track until it was on 'Kiss Me Slowly'. One of my favorites by them.

"May I have this dance?" Harry stuck his hand out an I grabbed it standing up.

Our feet moved swiftly together, hands clasped, chests pulled close. We smiled and laughed. During the last part of the chorus, he stopped dancing but still held onto my hands. He sang the last bit to me.

"Just kiss me slowly.." His lips were closer than measurements and slowly, our lips met and it was wonderful. I loved it, but I didn't know if he did. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"What just happened?" I whispered.

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