Chapter Twenty- Keep Me Warm

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I woke up to a loud sound. The morning sunlight peered through my blinds and lit up the room. I looked up at Harry who was awake watching tv with his arm still around me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He smiled.

"What's that noise?"

He pointed towards my door. It looks like he had pulled the blinds up and Zayn was on the other side with a hose, washing the door down.

"Who do you think it was?" I sat up and leaned into him.

"I have no idea, but don't worry. I'm going to keep you safe. We're going out and buying a home security system, and if you want, I'll sleep with you again, tonight." His words were soft and reassuring.

"Okay.. But can I go with you guys?"

"Of course." He said.

Zayn had finished washing off my door and I walked into my closet.

"Help me find something to wear, babe!"

Harry walked in my closet and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't care what you wear, you always look amazing." He whispered.

"Well, that's no help at all." I laughed and pushed him away. He giggled and ran up to his room to change. I grabbed a red flannel that had studs on the shoulders and found a black tank top. I put a pair of high waisted shorts with the other clothes and combat boots. I searched through my drawer and found a pair of underwear and matching bra. I walked to my new glorious bathroom and started the shower up.

"Harry!" I yelled.

"Yeah babe?!" He shouted back.

"Where are my soaps and stuff?!" I yelled.


"Just come here!"

He walked in wearing dark skinny jeans and a red flannel.

"Wow, Harry. Looks like we're gonna match today!" I held up my flannel.

"Looks like it! What did you want, princess?"

"Where are my soaps, my loofas, my shampoo and all that stuff?"



I turned around and found the cabinet in my bathroom. I opened it up and grabbed soap, shampoo, conditioner, and my loofa. I stripped off my clothes and got in the shower. After shampooing I applied conditioner. I turned after hearing tapping on the shower. I found Harry standing behind the glass smiling and waving.

"Harry, I'm in the shower." I said.

"And I'm not. Anything else we should cover?" He laughed.

"Can you get me my toothbrush and toothpaste?" I asked. I mind as well make use of him while he was in here.

He handed me my stuff and made the smart remark,"Who brushes their teeth while showering?"

"I do, because there's nothing better to do while waiting for my hair to condition."

"That's actually very smart." He grinned.

"Hey, what's this?" I asked and pointed to a black panel in the wall with several silver squares under it.

"Press the button on the right." He said.

I did so and the black panel lit up. Suddenly my shower spoke to me.

'Welcome to the Shower Stereo. Would you like to play a song?' It said.

"It has a radio?!" I turned to Harry who nodded quickly.

I tampered with the buttons until my favorite songs were playing. I brushed my teeth and rinsed my hair. After I washed my body I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel. When I stepped out Harry added, "You don't need to turn it off either. You can keep it playing in the shower, bathroom, or your bedroom. Just press this button." He pushed a button on the panel in my bathroom and the music transferred to the bathroom speakers.

I put on my bra and panties and walked over to my huge mirror. I dug in my drawers and found my sock bun. I brushed my hair out and put my hair in the bun.

"How do I look?" I asked Harry.

"Good, but you're missing something." He replied.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Clothes." He laughed.

"Oh yeah!" I ran out of my bathroom and put my clothes on. I was lacing up my boots when Harry sat next to me.

"They want me to finish an album, then they said their thinking a worldwide tour." He said, less happy than I thought he should be.

"That's great!" I exclaimed.

"Unless they let you go with me it won't be." He looked at me, sadness in his eyes.

"Hey, everything is gonna be fine. Ok? We should leave now."

I got in his car and Niall, Liam, and Zayn filed in the back. When we got to the mall Harry hopped out of the car an opened my door. I stepped out and he held my hand.

"Love is in the air, Liam." Niall said.

"So, I see. I feel like we should hold hands." Liam laughed.

We walked in the mall and lost the boys in the shoe stores. Harry and I walked straight to the security store.

"Hi, may I help you with anything?" An older woman asked.

"Yeah, I need the best home security system you have." Harry said.

"Okay, follow me over here and I'll get you set up." She walked over to a computer and desk.

After a long talk about passwords and fire emergencies and other stuff the lady said, "Alright, you're all set. I'll have my co-worker check you out." The lady got up and went to the back room another girl, about my age, wearing dark glasses and a scarf wrapped around her hair walked over to us.

"Ready?" She asked.

We nodded and Harry gave her the paper that said what we were buying and stuff. Harry paid for it all.

"Alrighty, the installers will see you on this date, be home for it." She scribbled something down on the paper. I grabbed it and walked out if the store. I looked at the paper and found the date.

"In three days." I told Harry.

"What's this?" He grabbed the paper from me and pointed to a little note at the bottom. "Security systems can't keep me out. -X"

I looked at Harry and whispered, "Well shit."


I'm leaving for band camp tomorrow so I won't be able to update a lot, I decided to leave you with this cliffhanger. I'll try to update at least once during camp but I don't know if I'll be able to.


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