Chapter Two- Boarding Up The Windows

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I sat on my front porch writing in my journal. The neighborhood had a pleasant quietness. Faint tweets from birds, a lawnmower I could hear a few houses down and the occasional car passing by.

~The new house is great, nice and big, but not too big for just mom and I. There's this strange kid down the street.. His name is Harry. I think I found an old love note from him here. He's peculiar. There's something about him.. They told me to stay away from him but I know I won't be able to. I have to know.~

I closed my journal and stood up to stretch. Harry was walking out of his house dragging a duffel bag. He threw it in the back of his car and looked around with a worried look. He slammed the door shut and drove off leaving a screech. There's definitely something about him and I have to know.

I got in my car. I don't know what compelled me but I followed him. From a distance, I didn't want him to know. He drove for about an hour. He parked his car up on a cliff overlooking the sea. He got out of his car and pulled the duffel bag out of the back of his car. Pulling out a bouquet of flowers he tossed them one by one into the ocean. He set up a small tent and crawled inside to lay a blanket in it.

After ten minutes he put another blanket outside the tent and laid there staring up at this stars. I didn't even know it had gotten that late. I looked at the time. 8:23. My mom doesn't get home until ten but I left to be sure.

When I was home, I tried to piece together what the heck Harry was doing. It didn't make sense. That was just too weird. I pulled out my laptop and sat on the couch. Five new Facebook friend requests, five new Twitter follows, each from Louis, Eliza, Jack, Prim, and Avery. I accepted their requests.

I went to Facebook and searched Harry's name. Nothing came up. I searched his name on Google and clicked on a local article.

~Harry Styles, Junior at Holmes Chapel High School leads the football team to a magnificent victory. A finishing score of eighteen goals to six.~

Harry played soccer? Well, football?

~Adelaide Weston, 17, pronounced dead March 23rd, 2012. Boyfriend, Harry Styles, star athlete at Holmes Chapel High, shares his story.~

That's the kind of juicy stuff I was looking for. I clicked the arrow that brought me a page of the full article.

~Adelaide Weston leaves for a two week vacation. Her vacation is cut short, the reason unknown. Harry Styles, 17, shares his story.

"I was just waiting for her to get back. I don't know where these rumors came from that I would kill my own girlfriend. I loved her." That's all he would share with us.~

The page went on rambling about her parents and stuff but I didn't care. I clicked out of the page and shut my laptop.


I leapt on the sofa and grabbed my phone.


"Yeah, this is she."

"Oh hey Avery!"

"I'm good. Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Did they ever find out how Adelaide died?"

"Oh, thanks anyways!"

"Tomorrow? Sure! I'll be there. Message me your address."

I hung up the phone. Adelaide must have lived here since I found her love note.

I wonder if Harry will be at the party tomorrow... Avery said everyone was invited, it could give me a chance to talk to him.

I went to bed before my mom got home. I mainly just sat in my bed on my phone procrastinating. I couldn't quit thinking about Harry. Why would they just accuse Harry of murder unless they had a reason to?

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