Chapter 3

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Mason P.O.V.

I watched as he left the bar with his friends. I saw him, No... I've been watching him since he walked through the door. No, I'm not a creep or pervert, he just so happens to catch my eye from the moment he walked in.

His eyes were a pretty forest green color that just pulls you in. His sandy brown hair cut short. His figure could put any guy or girl to shame, with a face that just glows when he smiles.

There just something different about him. I can't put my finger on it, but he's special and I've got to have him.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was only minutes to eleven. I paid my bill and went outside to my car. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. It didn't take long for me to get home since I only live three blocks away. I parked my car and got out. Once I was inside I was greeted by Sheila. She's my cook but she's also my best friend even if she acts like my mother sometimes.

"Where have you been? You don't know how to call and tell someone you're coming home late. What if something happened to you & I wouldn't know cause I have no damn idea where you are and-" I cut her off with a small laugh. Told you act like a mother. Her mouth opened and her eyebrows went up.

"You think this is funny, boy I might be a year younger than you, but I will still beat you with a kitchen utensil." I immediately stopped laughing and put a straight face on. Those utensils hurt.

"I'm sorry I promise to call you next time I'm coming in late." She rolled her eyes and walked away from me.

"Your food is in the microwave. Just heat it up when you're ready to eat. I'm going to bed, you just stress me out."

"I love you, Sheila."

"Whatever good night." I heard the room door slam a couple of seconds later.

Ok then Miss Moody

I didn't even bother to the kitchen. I wasn't even hungry. I went straight up to my bedroom and took off my clothes, I didn't even bother to take a shower I was too tired to so I went and laid down in my bed, turning off my lights.

And I let sleep take over me.


"Get up you lazy ass monkey!"

I felt Sheila shaking me. Did she just call me a lazy monkey? Now I know she can come up with something better than that. I rolled over and mumbled something I didn't even understand trying to get her to leave me alone.

"Either get up or I will dump this bucket of Ice cold water on you. You got to the count of 5."


I'm not getting up.


She's bluffing.


Ugh. Why won't she just leave me alone?


Maybe I should get up. She does seem like that crazy kind of chick to do something like that.


I didn't even have time to react cause as soon as she said five nothing but cold water was poured over me. I jumped up out of my bed with a loud scream, a manly one at that. I turned and looked at her with a death glare and she was laughing.

"What the hell? Why did you do that?"

"I told you to get up. It's 11:00."

"It's also Sunday which means we don't work today."

"I know."

"So why did you wake me up?" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Because you are a lazy ass when you come home from work."

"I still don't see a problem."

"Get your ass up and get dress and go do something that doesn't involve watching TV and making a mess of the house." I huffed in annoyance, but nod my head anyway.

"Fine. Just have my bed dry with new sheets on it."

"Do I look like a damn maid? NO, I look like a cook but I'll do it anyway just because I know you won't."

After that, she left the room. The way I and she argue you'll think that we are married. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower and took off my wet boxers. Once the water was the right temperature I got in.

When I finished washing my body and hair, and all my other business. Y'all don't need to know you perverts. I went back to my bedroom and got my clothes out for today. I looked in the mirror and styled my hair to my liking and put on my glasses. I don't need them as much anymore but I grew up wearing them and now I wear them almost every day. Plus people say I look hot with them, so why not?

I made my way downstairs and the smell of pancakes and bacon hit my nose and my stomach growled. I guess I'm really hungry. I did skip dinner last night.

"You could have at least put the food up if you weren't going to eat it." She said as she put a plate of food on the part of the table where I was going to sit at.

"Sorry." She hummed in response and walked back into the kitchen.

I was just about to start eating when my phone started ringing. I picked it up not even looking to see who it was.


"Well good morning to you too. Is that how you greet people?" I let out a breath. I knew exactly who it was.

"Sorry. Good morning Troy. Now, what do you want?"

"Get dress cause you and I are going shopping."

Nope, nope it's too early. Why the hell are we going shopping anyway?


"There's this party tonight and you're going with me, but all your clothes suck."

"No, they don't."

"Sweetheart yes they do. Now be ready I'll be there in five minutes."

He hung up before I could even reply and I groaned. Why can people just leave me alone on Sunday's?

................................... ..................................... .....................................

I just wanna say happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all.


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