Chapter 31

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Angel's P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes for them to be blinded by the sunlight. I hate the sun. I look over mason sleeping form, his lips part slightly with his rising and falling steady. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, to bad I gotta wake him up because I'm hungry. I tugged on his buttoned down shirt and poked at his cheeks, he didn't move a inch. I placed kisses all over the corners of his mouth and he still didn't move, I know he's not a heavy sleeper but damn at lease move. What the am I gonna do to wake……… it

“Aaaaaahhhh Mason I fell down the stairs.” I yelled in his ear. He jumped making him fall out of the bed and me bust out in laughter.

“Are you hurt? Did you break…….. Wait we in the hospital you ain't fall down no damn stairs.” He said with a frown. Awww how cute.

“Yea but you fell off the bed.” I said still laughing at him. He got up and crossed his arms just glaring at me.

“Yeah yeah why did you scare me have to death just now?”

“Because I'm hungry.”

“You couldn't call a nurse to bring you something.” I looked at him with a eyebrow raised is he serious right now?

“Have you tasted hospital food before? That stuff taste like shit.”



“Ok ok what do you want?”

“I don't know.”

“Are you kidding me? Well I guess you're not hungry than.” I growl at him and turned my back to him.

“Come on.” I didn't move.


“No you just hurt my stomach feelings.”

“Ugh ok I'm sorry just tell me what you want to eat.” I turned towards with a big grin and sat up.

“Sausage and pancakes.” I said raising my good arm and instantly regretted it because my side hurts like fucking hell.I guess Mason said the discomfort in my face because his face soon turned from ok to concerned.

“Are you alright? Do I have to call the nurse?”

“You are my nurse.”

“I know but I mean a real nurse.”

“Nope I'm fine I just can't ever raise my arm like that again.” He looked unsure for a minute before I show him a big smile and started giggling.

“I'm fine now go get my food before I become unhappy and get a attitude from not eating.”

“Ok I'm going.” He turned to walk out and my arms crossed.


“What I do I'm going to get you food.”

“I wanted a KISS but ok whatever goodbye.” He turned around and came back and when he tried to kiss me I turned my head. I did it again when he tried to do it again. Nope I don't want a kiss now. He grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him and placed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled, I like the kisses like these we share they're so Unexplainable. He pulled away and kissed my forehead.



“Good. Now be good until I come back.”

“When am I never not good.” I said to him wiggling my eyebrows and he just smirked.

“Exactly.”  He walked out and I laid down. Now I'm bored again and I can't find my phone. Oh wait there it is on the table.

Time to call my partner in crime hehehehe .


Well I'm sorry this chapter is short loves.

This story only have 2 more chapters then a epilogue and I will tell y'all the two kids name and gender and whether if they are twins or not next chapter. Bye bye for now

BL4L <3 <3 <3 <3 

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