Chapter 10

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Look at that I did a double updateYou see that pic up there that's Mason. Why is he Mason? Because he is to hot not to be my Mason.

Anyway enjoy


He looked terrible. He had cuts across his face, his right eye was turning black and his hair a mess. His shirt was ripped with blood on it. He was backed up against a wall he looked so frightened that I was even scared to go near him.

His living room was trashed. There was brown glass on the floor, the table was flipped over and there was stuff everywhere.

“Shit.” I rushed over to him when I saw that he was about to collapse. When I touched his back he winced and groan in pain. I didn't even hesitate to lift up his shirt and look at his back. The sight made me clench my jaw. On him was a big purple bruise, when I brushed my fingertips over it he moved out of my touch.

“Come on.” I picked him up carefully just so that I wouldn't cause him any pain taking him to the car and strapping him in, then getting in right after.

“Where are we going?” He asked with his arm crossed over his stomach.

“I'm taking you to the hospital."

“What! No.” I turned and looked at him with a confused look. Is he serious?

“Yes we are going. Look at you, you barely even stand a few minutes ago and you got really bad bruises over you.”

“No. please take me anywhere but to the hospital." I just sighed and let my shoulders fall.

“Fine I'll take you home and let Sheila take care of you. How about that?” He nod his head and I drove off down the street


I walked in with a sleeping angel in my hands and kicked the Dir closed behind me. I called out for my best friend and she came in the living room drying her hands off.

“What are you doing home so early? It's only twel-,” she stopped her sentence and looked from me to Angel then glared at me.

“oh my god! What the hell happened to him? What did you do this time?” She took him from me and laid him on the chair. I raised my hands in defense taking a couple of steps back from her.

“I didn't do anything to him. He called while I was at work to come and get him. When I got to his house he was against a wall just like this.”

“So why is he gets instead of the hospital you idiot.”

“I was gonna take him but he refused to go there. I don't know why?” She turned her attention back to him and then waved me off.

“You can go back to work. I'll take care of him.” I shook my head and took off my jacket.

“No i'm gonna stay here until he wakes up.” She looked at me with a questioning look.


“Cause there something I need to ask him.” She hummed in respond but still pointed to the back.

“OK, but still get out I hate for people to be standing over me while I'm doing something

I just shrugged my shoulders and went into my home office to finish writing off on the papers I need for tomorrow. The image of him being in pain just kept on crossing my mind. Who would do something like that to him? Every mark I saw on him just made me what to punch in a wall.

Time was flying by and before I knew it was 4 in the afternoon and I heard a knock at my door.

“It's open.” Walked in was Angel with an ice pack in his hand over his eye. The cuts on his face was now closed and clean and bandages going down his left arm. He came and sat down by me on my desk. He sat with his head down moving the ice pack and I just leaned back into my chair.

“Yes?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest wanting for him to speak.

“I just came in here to say thank you.”

“For?” I already knew but I just wanted to hear it from him.

“For helping me.” I sat up straight and lift his head up for him to look at me but he wouldn't even bring his eyes up to mine, but instead just looked at his lap.

“Angel look at me.” His eyes snapped to mine and they looked so fragile that I would kill for them have that spark back.

“I'm going to ask you something and I want a answer OK He slowly but surly nodded his head and I moved my hand.

“I want you to tell me who did this to you?” I heard his breath get caught in his throat after i asked him. He turned his head so he wasn't facing me anymore.

“Angel, who did this?” I said with a bit louder and looked at me again biting his lip and dropped his gaze before he spoke.

“He came back.”

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