Chapter 23

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Angel's P.O.V.

Damn my face really hurt. Shelia just finished working on me and now I was just sitting in the living room. I don't even feel like leaving out tonight so I text Skylar and the boys telling them that they can go to the club with me. Then texted Travis telling him that I wasn't feeling good and that I was sorry.

What David said really got to me and that's no surprise cause I always took what he said to the heart and mind. It always been that way. The only difference this time is that I won't let what he said about Mason be true. I just believe that he would be different from everyone else, that I won't get my heartbroken this time.

I sighed and rubbed my hand down my face, getting up and going back upstairs. It was only 5:30 in the afternoon but I really just wasn't in the mood to be by myself. I went back into mason room, I didn't even knock to say I was coming it's not like I walked in on something. He was just typing on his computer I don't even think he notice that I came in here. I walked over to him and stopped him from whatever he was typing and sat on his lap putting my head on his shoulder with my hands between us.

He went back to what he was doing and I felt kinda hurt that he didn't question me or ask me if I was alright. I don't know but I really just want his attention right now. I poked at his chest until he finally hummed in response, I don't if I was being a big baby right now.

'What's wrong?" He asked

"I don't know" I lied I want you to look at me. I put my face in his chest and felt his arms wrap around me. I really just want to sit like this for the rest of the day. Just to be in his embrace, he is a sense of comfort for me. I just played with the fabric of his shirt as I felt his fingers run through my hair.

I lifted my head up and he was looking straight at me, I just looked at straight in his eyes. When I asked him if he would ever get tired of me and I looked in his eyes they were holding no emotions which made me want to cry right then and there. But now looking at them they hold so much more then that. I gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him down as I leaned up and placed my lips on his and kissed him softly. This kiss felt so different like I was pouring more into it. I pulled away and my eyes searched his face. For what? I don't know he just looked calm. He kissed my cheek and I felt my face heat up. Really like I'm still not use to that. My face went into his neck and I groaned causing him to laugh.

"Shut up it's not funny." I said hitting his chest.

"I like that you still blush when I kiss you." I bit his neck hard and he yelled making it my turn to laugh.

"Why did you bite me?"

"Cause I like how you yell for me." He rolled his eyes at me and smiled.

"Now is there a reason you came in here and stopped me from working?"

"Cause I didn't feel like being by myself."

"I thought Shelia was with you."

"Yeah but I wanted you." I saw something run across his eyes at my words.

"Guess I should be flattered huh?"


When I called him master I knew what I was doing and it just wasn't for that moment. I he would had said something when I called him that but he did nothing but I know that I caught him off guard with saying it. I wonder if I say now will he reply back to me?

"Master" The word came out of my mouth as I was looking right at him. He didn't move nor did he answer me, he just looked with unsure eyes which was kinda making me worry. I pecked his lip a few more times before I said it again.


"Yes Angel." He answered me this time. I put my arms around his neck and his went around my waist as I leaned up and bit the bottom of his ear and he groaned.

"Teach me to submit to you."

Master Please...... Hurt me Sweetly (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now