Chapter 12

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Mason's P.O.V.

By the time I left out of my office it was now 7:00 which wasn't good because I was angry all that time and I was in a room alone. I walked into the kitchen to see Shelia almost done with dinner.

"Shelia. You know you my best friend right?"

"What do you want or what did you do?" She asked turning to face me.

"Who said I did anything?"

"The tone in your voice did. Now what did you do?"

"Messed up my office."

"Yeah so? What do that have to do with me?"

"Will you clean it for me? It's only a couple of things on the floor." I lied my office is a mess it look like a train went through it.

"Whatever just go get ready to eat." I kissed her cheek and went up stairs.

I quietly walked in the room just in case Angel was asleep, which he wasn't. He was fully awake sitting on the end of the bed. It looked like he was debating against him self on something. When I closed the door that's when he turned to face me.

"What's wrong?" He shook his head and I walked towards him until I was infront of him.

"I'm gonna ask again and this time I want a answer. What's wrong?" It looks so weird to see him ask nervous. I'm so use to him being so confident.

"I wanted to know if I could stay here for a week."


"Cause I'm kind of scared to go back there for right now." I smiled and thought I should play with him with this.

"I don't know. Do I even like you that much?" His eyes snapped to mine and his mouth dropped open.

"Yes you do."

"What makes you think that?"

"This damn hickey you put on my neck." My eyes flickered to the bruise right his ear and I smiled mentally at what I've done.

"You can stay here if you do one thing."

"Fine. What is it?"

"You'll let me take you out on a date Friday night."

"What why."

"Because I still plan on making you mine. I'm just going to try a different way to do it."

"What happened to the whole calling you Master." I walked to him and bent down so my face was leveled with his. My face was so close I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Oh you'll still call me Master, but it will be after the date." I winked at him and kissed the corner of his mouth before I pulled back. I could see the blush that was coming on his face.

"Is y'all going do something or do I have to get stuff started myself." Both of our heads turned towards the door that I didn't even hear open. There stood my friend smirking at us. I looked at Angel and saw that his head was turned with a full on blush.

"What the hell Shelia."

"First of all calm your balls young man and two dinner is ready so you guys can come eat."

"Did you just tell me to calm my balls. And call me young man. I'm older than you"

"Yeah and so what are you going to do something about it?"


"OK then. AND IN NOT CLEANING UP THAT HURRICANE THAT YOU CALL YOUR OFFICE. What the hell did you do in there?"


"Yeah nothing my ass. Just hurry up and come down stairs." She walked out my room straight after. I see a laughing Angel on my bed.

"What are you laughing at."

"Y'all relationship is fun. She's like your mother and a sibling that would get on your nerves." He is right but I wouldn't change my friend for the world.

"So what do you say about my offer?"

"I don't have anything to wear."

"We can go get you some clothes tomorrow."

"I can't let you spend money on me."

I'm taking you on a date remember." He crossed his arms and huffed.

"Fine. I'll do it." He said and did up.

"Great. Now let's get down stairs before she comes up here with something to hit us with." he turned and looked at me.

"She would wouldn't hit me. She loves me."

"She hits me and she loves me more than you."

"No I don't." Where do she keep coming from.

"What. Yes you do."

"Not anymore I love Angel more." She said walking to stand next to him."

"But why." I whined.

"Because he's so cute." She messing up his hair.

"Yeah but I'm hot."

"Who told you that?" They both said in unison with each other. They smile at each other and my jaw dropped as they left out the room together.

"Sheila." I whined calling out to her and went after them. I don't care if I do sound like a kid.

I think Angel just took my best friend from me.


Who else likes Sheila because I know I do.

Also I'm gonna try to update almost everyday

Master Please...... Hurt me Sweetly (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now