Surgeon's, Polar Bears & Swirling Rainbows?

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*Third POV*

While Sukoshi and Zoro were sleeping and Luffy was giving Law back his heart The Kid Pirates were sitting around on their ship in complete silence. Mostly they were reeling from the events that occurred on Punk Hazard.

Killer couldn't help but think about the amount of strength it took for him to pull Kid off of the corpse he was beating. The only time he had ever seen Kid that mad was when his sister died, but even then he didn't have to pull Kid off of someone he killed. They just set the entire orphanage on fire and left. The look he saw in Kid's eyes was one of complete and utter hatred, he was getting chills just thinking about it.

Heat and Wire's thoughts were pretty much in the same place, they were satisfied with the events that occurred on Punk Hazard. Finally the man that caused them such pain as children was dead, and rightfully so. They wanted to throw a party and celebrate because the monster who terrorized their sleep was never going to get to them, but they knew that everyone was tired from the battle. Hell, they were exhausted themselves but every time they looked at each other smiles spread across their faces. Caesar was victorious in the beginning, but now they had finally won.

After the events that transpired on Punk Hazard Kid was still worried about Sukoshi. He knew she was fine with the Strawhat's, but that didn't stop him from worrying. He swore to himself after he found out about her past that he would never let someone hurt her again, but twice today he failed. He got too caught up in the fight and let three different men try to have their way with her. He couldn't believe that with so many people around, people who cared for her, Vergo and that man she killed almost violated her again. He couldn't even believe that he almost let that other guy violate her when he was fighting that spider. They were the only ones there, there was no excuse as to why he didn't look over to check on her. He knew the reason why he didn't check on her, he was itching for a fight and when one presented itself he went all in. It was his fault that she almost had to go through all of that again. It was at that moment that Kid realized he needed to change his priorities around when he was near her, no more senseless fighting. He would pay more attention to her, she would not be hurt on his watch again.

"I'm gonna go talk to Sukoshi before I fall asleep. Any of you fuckers coming too?" Kid ran his hand through his hair as he got up from where he was sitting.

Kid didn't wait for a response, he just started walking towards the voices on the Strawhat's ship. His crew followed him without a second thought, they all wanted to check on Sukoshi too. When they reached Luffy and the other's they witnessed Luffy trading Law, straw hat for heart. Kid just shrugged it off Law was the least of his worries right now. Heat and Wire didn't pay any attention to it. They knew the exchange had to happen sooner or later. Killer on the other hand was on edge, Law's family was the one that killed his and now he's here with the people he considered his other family. Killer couldn't help but be concerned about this, after what the Donquixote family did he would expect nothing less than the same from Law.

"Strawhat, where's Sukoshi?" Kid yelled to Luffy.

He looked around for a minute before smiling.

"Lawn with Zoro." he replied before turning back to Law.

The Kid Pirates walked onto the lawn to see Zoro sleeping against the wall with a sleeping Sukoshi cuddling up on his side.

"Sukoshi." Kid smiled to himself as he whispered her name.

Zoro opened one eye to see who was trying to wake up Sukoshi, when he noticed that it was Kid and his crew he smiled and went back to sleep. He knew he didn't need to worry about her with Kid or his crew, they wouldn't let anything happen to her.

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