Chapter 1: Mysterious Survivor

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In the capital of Rohan, Edoras, King Théoden was in deep council with many leaders of the Rohirrim in the great hall of the palace. Théodred sat on one side of the King listening intently in silence. On the King's left sat Gríma, a counselor from some little known part of Rohan. They all were seated around a large round table on which a large and detailed map of Rohan lay. Éomer sat near the King, but apart from the rest, quietly taking in all that was said and contemplating it. His sister sat deep in the shadows watching all that took place. For unlike the other women who lived at the palace since she was the niece of the King, she could watch and listen to the councils; some of them, at any rate... They were discussing the recent attacks of orcs on outlying villages.

Suddenly, their conversation interrupted by an unexpected sound. A voice was heard outside the door. Evidentally, someone was trying to get into the hall, but whoever it was they were being held back by the guards for they heard, "Let me in this minute! I have important news for the King!"

One of the guards replied, "Oh, do you now? You can not pass through unless the King permits it."

The unrecognizable voice was heard again, "My news can't wait. I've been riding for five days continually to get here! My news is urgent, let me pass."

The guard casually replied, "I can't."

The voice, which the temporary occupants of the hall guessed to be female, spoke again. "If you don't let me through, I'll bite you!"

The only other guard then spoke, "I wish to see you try!"

Two cries of pain indicated that the threat had been carried out. The doors to the hall were thrown open and a woman ran in. All the people seated in the hall stood up. The woman was tall and thin and she did look like she had been riding for more than five days. Her hair was dirty and matted, and her clothes were hard to tell what color they were for they were dirty and it looked like they had blood on them.

"King Théoden," she called out. "The people of my village cry to you for help. We are beset on every side by orcs and can no longer defend ourselves. Please send us aid!" she finished pleadingly.

King Théoden sat down and signalled the rest to follow. He sat as if deep in thought before replying, "What is your name?"

She replied, "I am called Loth--I mean Déorhild."

King Théoden was silent and then he said, "I don't know if I can--"

He was interrrupted by the Déorhild, who when he began to speak, groped at her chest, her face twisted with pain before falling head-long onto the floor.

The men all stood up, the King first, but Éomer was the only one who ran to her side. He turned her over before calling to Éowyn to help. Together they carried Déorhild out of the hall into a passage and disappeared from the view of those who stood still.

"Council ended," King Théoden said, dismissing the men.

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