Chapter 27: The End

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Within moments, the Tower of Sauron had crumbled to the ground and all of Mordor seemed to disintegrate with it. 

Déorhild looked in wonder as all their enemies faded away into dust. 

We have won.

It seemed so strange to think it and to know it was real. It seemed a dream, that all the fear, all the bloodshed, all the sorrow, it was all over, and they had won. Evil would no longer be a threat; not for a thousand years, at least. It was over. And they had won. 

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she looked from one victorious face to another, looking for Éomer. 

They all turned and headed back, save for a few, Gandalf among them, who started heading for the gates, perhaps to rescue their companions beyond. Least, that was what she guessed. It mattered little to her; she did not know them. Neither did she know how important those two persons were to the cause...

"Lothiríel! I thought I'd never find you," Éomer cried, catching her up and swinging her through the air. 

"Put me down; we are scarcely out of battle and you treat me like a little child."

"We have waited to long for this--it seems almost wrong not to celebrate."

"Aye, I know." 

He bent and kissed her. "Come now, we must head back." 

The days following were strangely peaceful

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The days following were strangely peaceful. Éowyn healed quickly, but there was something about her that Lothiríel had never seen before. She was so happy, especially when in the company of Lothiríel's cousin, Faramir. It didn't take long for Éomer and Lothiríel to discover why, and they wished the two the best of happineses when they would be wed, soon after Aragorn's coronation. 

Preparations for the crowning had begun almost as soon as the victorious had returned to the city. And by the time the day arrived, the entire city was packed. 

The auspicious day had dawned grey, but the spring warmth could be felt in the breeze that blew across the entire city. The White Tree had bloomed again; they had won; peace had been restored. Lothiríel doubted any thing more could make her more happy than she already was. 

She stood beside King Éomer with the rest of the crowd as they watched the coronation of King Aragorn II of Gondor. While Éomer would not be officially crowned king until they returned to Edoras, he was still called by that title. 

Éowyn and her soon-to-be-husband, Faramir, stood nearby, both of them radiant with joy. Lothiríel was happy for them as well. Perhaps all the pain and suffering was worth the joy that they all felt, though she herself would not give anything to go through it all again. 

When at last Gandalf finished with all the appropriate ceremonies, he placed the silver crown upon Aragorn's head and said triumphantly, "Now come the days of the King! May they be blessed."

Aragorn II, King of Gondor, turned and faced the crowd of people. They cheered for him, but he waved his hand for them to be silent. Then he spoke. "This day does not belong unto one man, but unto all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." 

The crowd began to cheer again, but their applause gradually faded away as their king began to sing, softly at first, but then his voice growing louder until all could hear the melody without straining their ears. 

Et Eárello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenná Ambar-metta! (Out of the great sea to Middle Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the end of the world.) 

As he sang, he walked down towards his people, greeting those he knew and smiling to those he didn't. 

Then, suddenly, he caught sight of someone and stopped as if turned to stone. 

Lothiríel turned around to see who it was, but she did not recognize the beautiful, dark-haired elleth who stood there, robed in silvery-green raiment. 

After a moment had passed, the King of Gondor kissed the lady, and all the Elves with them started cheering, the crowd following, some more hesitant than others. 

The pair walked forward, til they reached the five hobbits(1) who had crucial to the fate of Middle-earth. 

The five Halflings began to bow before the King, but he stopped them saying, "My friends, you bow to no one." 

Then he knelt before the five, all the rest following. 

Indeed, though many there did not fully understand the extent that these hobbits had done for them, they were grateful. 

But though Sauron had perished the King of the West had many enemies to destroy before the White Tree could grow in peace

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But though Sauron had perished the King of the West had many enemies to destroy before the White Tree could grow in peace. So Éomer often fulfilled the Oath of Eorl and went with King Elessar far into the East and South of Middle-earth. He was known as Éomer Éadig, or "the Blessed", because during his reign Rohan recovered from the hurts of the War and became a rich and fruitful land again. In T.A. 3021 he wedded Princess Lothiríel, daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, and she bore him a son Elfwine the Fair.

In Fourth Age 63, in the autumn of that year, King Éomer died, and his son Elfwine the Fair became King of Rohan. King Éomer had reigned for 65 years, longer than any other King of Rohan save Aldor the Old. Princess Lothiríel died soon after and they were buried beneath the flowered mounds on the rolling hills of Edoras, Rohan. 

(1) See Durin's Daughter, soon to be published

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(1) See Durin's Daughter, soon to be published. 


I never thought I'd say this, but, this is literally finished! This was the first story I ever wrote on Wattpad; and I've finally finished it. 

Thank you all for sticking with me so far; I hope you enjoyed it! 

Without much more ado, 


~ Gwynnedd o'Maeswnhir


If you wish to read more of this series and characters, check out my other works in the same saga. ;-) 

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