Chapter 2: That Poor Man

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Paige and I finally made it to the down town suburbs, this place was torn down to the pits off hell. "This place looks terrible.."Paige said. "Yes, no one can possibly live here. It's not safe what so ever." I said. "Let's go to the blue house on the corner, we will check it out and then get out." Paige said. "Ok, we need to be careful and have each others backs." I said. "Don't worry, I got you." She said, I nodded. We walked quietly and slowly up to the front door, and I fiddled with the door handle that was half on half off. And then after a few twists and turns, the door slowly opened with a creak or two. I grabbed the bow and arrow off my back and had it loaded and ready for anything unexpected. All I would need to do to protect myself if something did happen was pull back and release. We walked to the kitchen and looked at the floors that were rotting away, and then I spotted a fridge. I put my bow and arrow down by my side as opened the door to the fridge, I found this big pile of moldy unidentified food on a plate...which I'm guessing was meat load at one time. I went through the fridge and found apples, I checked them for any marks or blood or anything on them. "Hey." I said to Paige and tossed an apple at her, she caught it and rubbed it on her shirt and then bit into it. I then did the same to mine, it felt good to eat the apple in the kitchen. It kinda reminded me of those days you come home from school tired and hungry so you just grab something to munch on, it honestly felt good to remember these moments in life back when everything was normal. After finishing the juicy apples we walked up the baby blue steps that had chips of the paint pealing off, when we got to the top of the steps I had my bow in my hand all loaded and Paige had her pistol in her hand with her back towards mine. We scanned the hall way with the open bedroom doors, it seemed clear. "Search everything before you get comfy." I said, which meant search before you scavaged for items. We checked all the doors till I came upon one that was shut, it was dead silent inside. "Hey, Paige I need you to get my back just in case." I whispered down the hall. "Ok." She said walking quietly down the hall to me. I twisted the door handle and this fowl stench of something stung my nose, I gaged a little bit but I still opened the door. I then opened it the full way to see an over weight man siting in the bathtub with his brains everywhere and a shot gun in his hand. I heard a noise behind me but I didn't jump because I knew what it was, Paige vomited in the sink. "Jesus Christ." I sighed looking at the corpse. I grabbed the hand towel that was on the sink and then pulled my shirt over my nose. I leaned over the dead mans body and grabbed the shot gun that was in his hand with the rag I had. My stomach wrenched at the sight of the pore man that took his own life because he couldn't handle what the world has come to. "Come on." Paige said tapping my shoulder, we walked out of the bathroom and I shut the door behind me. "Everything is checked, you can go look for what ever you want now." I said. "Ok if you need anything or if something happens just yell." Paige said, "ok you do the same." I said. I walked into what looked like the parents room, I went through the cabinets and then found a clay made football shaped piggy bank. I grabbed it and then set it on the bed, I used the stock of the shotgun to break open the piggy bank, all this money poured onto the bed sheets. Some people think I'm weird for collecting money from dead peoples houses and just keepin it all even though it's useless anymore. But I like it because it give me more hope. Hope that there is a place out there where money is still being used, and there are people there living and driving in nice cars, pet dogs running around, and watching tv and movies late at night at your friends houses. Because I know that somewhere out there, there is still hope. "Hey it's time to go to the next house, you ready?" Asked Paige. "Yea I uhm was just grabbing some stuff." I said. "You know I think it's cool that you collect this stuff." Paige said leaning against the door way. "Really?" I asked packing it in my bookbag. "Yea, its neat. Plus it give you hope, and that's what we all need." Paige said. "Alright well, we have...3 hours till we need to go back, let's hurry." I said getting up and putting my bow and arrow on my back along with the bookbag and then I carried the shotgun.

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