Chapter 9: She Just Left

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I have no clue why Paige gave me a look like something was up, but i think i'm about to find out. i grabbed the spoon full of soup that blooped onto the plastic plate. "Dude why are you acting shady shady-ma-ge." i asked grabbing some crackers. "Something is going on." She said looking at me, "What are you talking about?" i asked really confused because everything seems pretty normal around here. "Jenna. Something weird is going on Mackenzie, and i have a pretty good feeling it isn't good." Paige said getting kind of worked up, "It's nothing she's probably still in shock from what happened still." what is Paige thinking? The girl almost died out there, she cannot fight what so ever, and who know how log she was out there. "What do you mean?" Paige asked getting angry as we walked back to our seats with the rest of the girls except for Jenna. "Paige i had to kill my family myself because they were infected, I was in shock for weeks. You're just over reacting." i said quietly so no one but us two would hear our conversation. "Are you serious right now? She's probably twisted in the head, she may have even murdered her family before they were infected.and yet you're still going to believe her because you want to find more people out there for your god damn hope." She snapped. "i know you don't like her but you're honestly just-" "OVER REACTING? Yea Mackenzie you're right!" Paige said slamming her plate down on the table and storming out of the cafeteria, everyone was looking. "What the hell was that about?" Tiffany asked while she was chewing, "nothing." i growled. "Whats wrong with her?" Renee asked, "She's just thinking into things too much." i said.

I walked the dim halls checking in on everything and everyone. I like to see if everyone is ok, i want everyone to feel safe. Sometimes I feel weird being the leader due to me being an older teen while there is adults here. But I had the idea of this place, I call shots, but I always let everyone help with ideas and all. This isn't just a one person thing. Survival is counting on the people around you, relying on one another. I passed Paige's room and peeked in the window, she wasn't in there. Everyone is always in their rooms by where is she. I decided to go find the nightguards.

"Have you guys seen Paige anywhere? She isn't in her room." I asked the guys, "she left." The said in sync, "what?! It's night time, that's dangerous! No body is suppose to go out at night." I snapped, they both shrugged. "I'm going out, I'm grabbing supplies to take with me. I'm going by foot, the car will make to much noise and attract them. I need to be quiet as possible. I'm going solo-and before one of you argues with me I'm going alone because I'm not putting any asses on the line." I said walking away before one of them said something.

I was walking to my room to grab my stuff when I ran into Renee. "Where are you going?" She asked confused, "I'm going out to find Paige, she left-" "I'm going too then." "No, I'm not putting your ass on the line, mines enough." I said pushing past her. "We are a team." She said walking behind me, "I am a leader, and as a leader I don't put asses on the line when I know how dangerous the situation is. It's not your duty to go save her." I said opening my door, "neither is yours. It's my choice, I am going out with you. As a team we help each other, we lookout for each other. For some of us, this place is all we have. For me. You and Paige and all of them is all I have. I can't lose anyone else." Renee said, "grab your stuff, make sure to duct tape your arms legs, and put a few strips around you're shoulders and sides of neck. But make sure you can move your neck." I said, "got it." She said running to her room to get her stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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