Chapter 4: Life is good

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Paige and i waited until we heard the car leave until we decided to go home. It was getting cold now since it was late fall pushing winter, so soon I'm going to have to get all the girls together and go to the mall that is down town because everyone back at basecamp is going to need winter clothes. Most of them only have jackets, I can't get my thoughts off of what happened earlier. Would he have killed Paige if he found her first? She would've tried to fight him more and he would've had to kill her out of either self defense or anger. The sunset was ahead of us slowly sinking down like a simple rain drop upon a window. "We need to hurry its sun down and we are going to be locked out if we don't." i said starting to jog with Paige not far behind me, luckily i practice my cardio a lot even sometimes with the girls. After a while i see the school in the distance and the sun is just about to disappear over the mountains in the distance. "Come on!" yelled Paige as she started to pass me up. As we ran into the parking lot that's in the back of the school i saw Tiffany in the door way to the back entrance waiting for us. Tiffany is a middle aged mom who lost her husband and her baby in a car accident a few years ago before the apocalypse, she's a kind lady and looks after us like she's our own mother, which we all need at sometimes. Paige and i ran through the doors and laid on the floor exhausted and sweaty, i set the shot gun down easily though. "Hey you sweaty pigs get off my clean floor." teased Grandma Jess is what we call her, she is a 64 year old lady who the girls and i found in an abandon nursing home when we were looking for wheel chairs we could fool around with back at basecamp. "Love you too Grandma Jess." Paige said, i chuckled at Paige she always has something funny to say. "You ladies were almost late, ya'll were gonna have to sleep out there with those dead cockroaches." Said Butch who is a 47 year old farmer, he lost all his cattle when the disease broke out. "Yea you got that right, we ran into a bit of trouble." I sighed. I got up off the floor and grabbed the shot gun, my bag, and the rest of the stuff and begun to walk to my room. I walked up stair case to the top floor and walked down the hall to my room, i dropped everything off on my bed and then walked back out in the hall to check all the gates that where down and made sure they were all locked. Everyone feels more safe when the gates are down and locked, because the school is too big and we haven't cleared out the rest of it yet. We really don't need too since there is only a few of us, when we get more survivors we will open the school up more...if there is any survivors. But the parts of the school that we do use are completely safe and open for us to get to the gymnasium, cafeteria, locker rooms, our bedrooms, the main entrance to the school, the back entrance to the school, the auditorium (performance room), the basement, and a ladder that is down the hall from the girl's and i's room that leads to the roof of the building. We don't go up there a lot though only Bob stays up there because his job is to look for any sights of survivors or help, but he doesn't stay up there day and night only day. No one really knows anything about Bob his life is kinda boring. I walked back to my room and grabbed my towel, clothes, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and wash cloth then i headed down the hall, down the stairs and then walked the whole ways to the other side of the school to go to the gymnasium and the locker rooms. I shut the locker room door and walked over to the shower room just to find Mary there combing her wet hair in the mirror. "Whats up?" she asked. "nothing just need to relax and wash off, how was your day?" I asked. "it was ok i guess, so what you find out there?" asked Mary, the images of the dead man popped into my head. How his blood was splattered up the walls, and then the boy that attacked me. Did he kill any others out there who were innocent? "Hey!" Mary said snapping her fingers in font of me. "what were you thinking of?" she asked concern. "What? W-what do you mean. I uhm i just don't wanna talk about it right now." i said turning around heading for the showers. "ok well I'm here if you need me. Hurry up dinner is soon too, i heard we're having beef stew." Mary said walking away. "ok." i said.

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