Spot Blown

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[Morning Matthew POV]

Sam: ready for school

Matthew: no you not

I am the youngest son. First it's Chris then JJ then me and finally Sam. She dresses way to fresh. Today she had on true religion short with a belly shirt that says do me right and some sandals. We all look out for her and right now she not wearing a good out fit.

Sam: yes I am and who driving me to school

JJ: all of us

Sam: I hope Tay can fit

Matthew: Tay here

I had a little crush on Tay. I'm not gonna lie but damn she fine. We never really talked she was always Samantha friends. Its whatever though.

Sam: yes she upstairs getting ready

Chris: you guys can't be late

Sam: you guys drove here in different cars

Chris: no but I'm getting the other ones flown here

Tay: I'm ready. Hey guys

Boys: hey

Tay: Roc called said you guys should go on your first date later tonight

JJ: who the hell is Roc

John: watch you mouth

JJ: well Sam here has a little boyfriend

John: I want to meet him

Sam: dad

John: end of discussion I'm leaving (leaves)

Sam: thanks alot JJ

Chris: lets go (leaves and drives you and Tay to school)

Britt: hey Sam Tay ahhhh CHRIS BROWN

Chris: hi

Roc: hey babe (kisses your cheek)

JJ: that's Roc

Roc: yea why

JJ: he think he tough

Mat: big bad Roc

Sam: stop Roc these are my brothers Mat JJ and Chris

Roc: hey ohh snap hey Chris

Chris: what up Roc

Sam: you guys know each other

Chris: yea we met on tour

Sam: good now see you guys later

Mat: we gonna pick you up later

Sam: ok bye

Chris: (drives off)

Roc: annoying brothers

Sam: wait till you meet my dad

Roc: when

Sam: as soon as possible

Roc: damn

Tay: sorry bout that I blew her spot

Roc: its ok

Mb (except Roc): hey

Sam: hey you guys want to come to my house tomorrow night for.dinner

Ray: sure

Prince: yea

Prod: what's for dinner

Sam: really good food

Prod: I'm in

Sam: great well bye gotta get to class (walks away with Roc)

Roc: why did you invite all of them

Sam: so it wont be weird with you me my mom overprotective dad and 3 crazy brothers

Roc: good idea (smiles) ill see you later

[Monday Night Sam House Tay POV]

Sam: (eating) I have good news

Alice: what

Sam: my friends are coming over tomorrow night for dinner including my boyfriend

John: (chokes)

Sam: are you ok dad

Boys: (laugh)

John: I was joking about meeting your boyfriend your not allowed to have one

Sam: no fair

John: I don't care

Sam: Tay is allowed to have boyfriends

John: that is Tay parents business

Tay: yea leave me out of this. By the way I am single

Mat: (fast) you are

Chris&JJ: (laugh)

Tay: (smiles) yes I am

Is Mat happy I'm single. Like if he was to like me. Wait but doesn't he have a girlfriend or something like that. Plus I like Prince and I think he may be liking me back.

John: end of conversation (wipes mouth)

Sam: no its not he is coming and thats the end of the conversation (goes upstairs to.her bed room)

John: did she just lose her mind

JJ: let her calm down

Chris: those guys aren't bad guys you forget I did a song with them

Alice: we will be happy to meet them and not scare this boy off like some people do

John: I didn't scare Mikey off he was just no good

Mat: I'm going to sleep

Alice: no Matthew when are you going back to school

Mat: after the summer

Alice: night ill clean up

JJ: no we will clean up

Alice: thank you night (goes upstairs with John)

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