Tragic Accident

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Tay: your mom and dad at the hospital

Sam: what happened

Tay: your dad just said come by

Sam: let's go

We all ride to the hospital me with my brother Tay with MB and Mikey alone. I hope no one is seriously hurt. We rush into the hospital to see my dad I the waiting room with blood on him and stitches on his head.

JJ: what happened

Sam: where's mommy

John: the doctor is checking on her now

Sam: is she ok

John: she should be baby girl

JJ: once again what happened

John: we was driving and some idiot ran a red light and hit us.

Nurse Johnson: hello Evans family

Sam: that's us

NJ: hello gorgeous

I looked at Roc I could tell he was a little jealous. But hey I was wearing a tight top that said love me and a short mini skirt. I took mu heels off and put on my Tory Burch flats. I was supposed to be going out so I can forget about Roc.

Sam: hi and what's the info on my mom

NJ: well she lost alot of blood we are doing our best so.she can survive but we are not sure if she is going to make it

Sam: (begins to cry)

Roc: (hugs Sam) it ok babe

John: thank you I am the dad

NJ: no problem sir (walks away)

Sam: (sits)

We sat in the waiting room all night and that cute nurse kept saying the same thing. Roc was hugging me and stuff I'm happy I took him back but what will happen if my mom dies. The nurse is back and he seems like he has different news like bad news.

NJ: I'm sorry to say this but

Sam: turn around and go bring my mother back or I will murder you and the doctor

NJ: wow ummm

John: I am so sorry about that

NJ: its ok but yes she died she gave me this (goes in pocket and takes out necklace) she said give it to you Sam (hands Sam the necklace)

Sam: thank you (takes necklace)

NJ: by the way all we did was talk about you

Sam: (smiles)

NJ: and she said she loves all of you guys

We stayed there longer my dad was filling stuff out. I eventually fell alseep my brothers took me home.

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