Wicked Stepmother

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Elizabeth: Chanel what the hell are you doing. Come here now

Chanel: (gets out of pool)

Elizabeth: follow me (walksbinto the house with Chanel)

Sam: (gets out of pool) what did she do wrong dad

John: her mom is very strict playing with boys is a no for her

Sam: ill be back (goes in the house to find Chanel)

Elizabeth: put back on your one piece and stop playing with boys

Chanel: sorry mom

Sam: I'm sorry it was my fault and my boyfriend told his friends to dunk her

Elizabeth: John never told me how untrained his child was

Sam: first of all I'm not untrained and second of all you don't have to be here so you can dismiss yourself

John: whats going on in here

Elizabeth:your daughter is rude

Sam: your whatever she is need to watch her mouth

John: go back to the pool Sam Roc looking for you.

Sam: ok (goes back to pool)

We continued to have fun too bad Chanel couldn't. It's the end the guys are spending a night. Here come Elizabeth and Chanel

Elizabeth: when are these boys leaving John

John: they are staying a night with Sam and Tay

Elizabeth: your daughter is a wild animal

Sam: (yells) and you a replacement (gets out of pool) Lets get this straight you wont keep disrespecting before I hurt you. How you raise your daughter like she a prisoner that's your buisness how I'm raises that's mine. So if you want you can get the stepping cuz no one coming here and disrespecting this original family and that includes my boyfriend and the rest of them.

Elizabeth: John

John: you heard her this family come first Liz

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