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[Roc POV]

Its March which means this is the month my fiancée has her baby. Yup I proposed to Sam I couldn't allow her to slip from my finger again. We decided to get married when the baby turn one. Anyway its Friday afterschool and we just hanging out. Her dad let her move back in. So the whole crew here except Prod he out with Ashley. She lives here too and boy is it tension. Anyway I decided to take Sam out on a nice dinner date. Something simple cause her proposal was big. I think they downstairs talking about it now.

Roc: (goes downstairs) hey what you guys talking about (sits next to Sam)

Angie: how you proposed

Roc: it was nice

Angie: amazing

JJ: thanks alot now we all need to propose like bosses

Everyone: (laughs)

Sam: it was the best day ever

Tay: how did he propose

Ray: you didn't see the video

Sam: haha

Prod: she showed it to e everyone

Sam: ok so he had me meet him at the beach. It was lovely lions there. Then across the sky was airplanes saying I love you Sam I will love our child. And he rode in on a white horse in armor and said I am your Knight in shining armor will you marry me.

Angie: Lovely lions my ass

Sam: hello that's my favorite animal

Angie: aww mine is penguins

JJ: penguins don't work well on the beach and horses don't go on the ice 

Everyone: (laughs)

Angie: be original

JJ: ima propose in a orange room

Angie: why

JJ: that's your favorite color

Angie: shut up and try again

JJ: damn ima hide it in a kiwi

Sam: favorite fruit?

Angie: yea

Roc: you ready to go

Sam: yea (stands up)

[Sam POV]

Anyway Roc taking me out one last time before we have our daughter. I'm wearing a Tegan Maxi dress Aerie Neon flip flops Ray Ban sunglasses and a messy bun ( ) it wasn't a fancy date just something simple. Anyway it was really nice and cute. Anyway we talked about baby plans and ideas. The baby shower was alot of fun Angie and Tay planned it. Anyway this dumbass decided to have Ray pick up the car so we can walk home. Too bad I'm nine moths pregnant. Anyway we finally get home and my feet is killing me.

Sam: have fun on the couch dick head

Roc: I'm sorry

Sam: night (goes upstairs to bed)

Ray: what happened

Roc: dude her feet hurts and I had no car

Ray: plan back fired

Roc: so bad that I'm on the couch

Ray: she kicked you out of your bed

Roc: (lays on couch) our bed

Ray: night bro (walks upstairs)

Roc: night

I might have been harsh on him but damn that joke was not funny and my feet really hurt. Anyway Im not going to school cause I don't want to be in school when my water break.

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