Our After Party

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Roc: (laying down on the bed) tonight was fun

Sam: (gets on top of Roc) it about to get funnier (kisses Roc)

Roc: I hope so (takes off his shirt)

Sam: (kisses down his ABS) I love you

Roc: I love you too (kisses me)

Ok you guys know what happens from there. We get undress he goes into me. And we go all night long. With my heels on. But of course we used protection. I do not want to be a mom. Too bad when I wake up Roc is gone. Not only that but I call him like 20 times no answer. I can't believe this. I put on my Hollister sweat and t shirt and my 12s. I decides to call Ray and see where they was at.

[Phone Convo]

Sam: Ray I'm on my way to the hotel

Ray: no we not there we moved to a house.

Sam: are you guys there

Ray: only Roc the rest of us left

Sam: ok so.I'm going there

Ray: you can drive yet

Sam: I dont care

[Phone Convo Over]

I finally get to the place. I walk in these dummies left the door open. I walk upstairs. I actually have to look for Rocs room but I look quietly so I can surprise him. When I find his room I see Britt giving him head.

Sam: wow Roc

Roc: ohh (gets up) babe

Sam: no no don't babe me cuz we done

Roc: let me explain

Sam: why you left my bed for this hoe

Roc: I'm sorry

Sam: fuck you (drives home)

Eddy: damn wish I had a car like this

Sam: real guts to come back

Lewis: (walks in living room) damn

Sam: hi Lewis

Lewis: hey beautiful

Chanel: (walks towards kitchen)

Lewis: go talk to her

Eddy: hell no

Sam: (grabs Eddy hand and leads him towards kitchen) morning

Lewis: (raps arms around me)

I let his arms stay there. Shit I'm single and can flirt a whole lot more.

Chanel: shut the hell up

Sam: excuse me

Chanel: you ruined my life

Sam: how

Chanel: I only slept with Eddy to make you jealous. But you only like him as a friend

Sam: why would you think I liked him more then that

Chanel: you defended him that day he got drunk.

Sam: he is like a brother to me

Chanel: just like Ray

Sam: yea

Chanel: I tried to give him head to get you jealous

Sam: I date I was with Roc

Chanel; you get everything guys clothes cars Jake

Sam: Jake

Eddy started kissing my neck guess he realized I said was dating Roc. I stopped him though

Chanel: you a hoe

Sam: watch you mouth abuse you in ways you wont understand

From there me and her argued like we were crazy.


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