Wake Up Call

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I wake up to a loud noise. I look at my phone its 3 in the morning. I get up and go out to see who it is. Its Sasha and Mat.

Sam: hello I'm trying to sleep

Mat: so tell this hoe stop cheating

Sasha: but who cheating he a friend

Mat: don't no guy text a girl 1 in the morning unless he want ass

Sasha: shut the fuck up with that dumb saying

Sam: you guys I have school in the morning and practice after school

JJ: just sleep over it they gonna be at it all night

Chris: they do this all the time. We already told mom and dad about it

Sam: I'm going over to a friends place to sleep

Tays probably sleep and nothing wakes her. I'm not going with Mikey he might try something. So I guess ill go to the boys hotel. I drive JJ car there its a I get there and bang on the door hoping they hear it.

Ray: (opens the door) damn its just Sam

Roc: hey babe

Sam: hey and who was you expecting Ray

Ray: the way you was banging we thought you was either a crazy fan or the cops.

Sam: shut up

Roc: why you here so early

Sam: Mat and his girl fighting

Roc: :(laughing) he found out about Tay

Sam: (playfully hit Roc) no (sits in couch)

Ray: whatever sleep over

Sam: no I need to go to sleep me and the girls have practice tomorrow. So night

Roc: your sleeping with me (grabs my hand) lets go

Ray: damn ima half to hear her yell all night

Sam: Ray shut up

We all go to sleep


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