Chapter One {Pesky Pan}

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"The Hook is coming! The Hook is coming!" was the first thing I heard as I walked past students on my way to Ever After High.

I was on my freshman year and to be honest, I'd rather have spent it on the seas in the caribbean. I'm the daughter of Captain Hook, sounds cool at first, but go through the story and see whats supposed to happen to pirate Hook in the end.

I figured I might as well be as social as I could. This would be my only years to lay back and just relax. 

Everyone in the town square moved out of my way as they often did when villains like me came by. I walked with a stride that couldn't be broken, swinging my arms because I wouldn't have two arms for long.

After scanning through my schedule one last time, I got to my locker. It was a tall pink locker and someone had sprayed pink glitter all over it. I frowned, trying to wipe it away with my sleeve.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

I turned to see a girl who I guessed was most likely Madeline Hatter due to the fact that she was having tea with a rabbit. "I was trying to decorate my locker but then the narrators wouldn't stop talking and they made me smear glitter all over the place.." After a moment of silence, she held up a tea cup. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

I shrugged, taking the cup. "So we're locker neighbors then?"

"Yeah," She said happily, handing a tea cup to the rabbit who didn't seem to be drinking anything. "Don't worry," She said and then leaned closer. "I'm not crazy."

I nodded, giving her a thumbs up but I highly doubted this.

When Madeline started yelling at the "narrators" to just become a couple already, I wandered off to the commons. My dorm was supposedly in the Fairy wing and my roommate was a girl named Kitty Chesire. 

The halls were crowded with girls pulling luggage into their rooms. Holly O' Hair was trying to push her luggage into a room but kept slipping on her long hair. I almost tripped over it but she didn't seem to notice.

I finally found my room, the door already open and there was Kitty Chesire. She was sitting on her bed, everything already unpacked. She was looking down at her small mini Mirror Pad, a sly smile on her face.

"Um, hi!" I exclaimed.

She looked up - and suddenly disappeared.

I looked around the room trying to figure out where she was.

"I'm right here." A voice said in my ear and I gasped moving back. Kitty had taken a strand of my dark hair, examining it. "Its so silky!"

"Um, thanks," I said weakly. "Your hair is so....purple?"

Kitty laughed, twirling a lock of purple hair in her hand. "Thanks, its natural."

"I'm Jamie Hook." I said, forcing myself to smile.

She walked around me, her movements cat - like. "I know." She purred. "I've heard all about you."

I frowned. "How?"

She frowned too and it seemed odd on her face. "Lets say some people have really big mouths."

I gritted my teeth. "Is his name by any chance, Patrick Pan?"

She looked down at her MirrorPad, seeming uninterested. "He says your fighting skills stink, you look like the alligator already ate you, and you need metal teeth more than a hook."

That sounded like something he'd say. Patrick Pan was my arch nemesis. Not to mention the hero of our story. His father had gotten my father eaten by an alligator and the same thing would happen to me once we got older.

I had met him before on a trip to the Caribbean when we were five. Everything was going great, we were even getting along. That was until he thought he saw an alligator in the water and as I leaned over to look, he pushed me off the boat.

I had kicked and thrashed in the water, trying to get to the surface but I couldn't swim. The sailors had to pull me out and the first thing I saw was Patrick Pan doubling over in laughter. After that day, we both went out of our way to ruin each other.

At seven years old, we met again at the royal wedding of Shrek and Fiona and I had pushed him into the cake. At ten,  Patrick and I ran into eachother at a play and he made fun of my broken arm that I had injured on a pirate trip. The list goes on and on.


Kitty Chesire asked me if I wanted to go with her into town for clothes and I agreed. I definetly didn't want to run into the guy who wears green tights instead of pants. We walked down the large steps of Ever After High and I once again took in all my fellow fairytale classmates.

Raven Queen and Madeline Hatter were talking by the mushroom bushes. Apple White and Briar Beauty seemed to be coming from town, swinging shopping bags in their hands. My face paled when I spotted someone coming straight for us.

Kitty giggled, disappearing.

Patrick Pan was staring straight at me, a cocky smile on his face. His orange hair was hidden by his green hoodie and suprisingly he wasn't wearing tights. "Well, look who it is."

I rolled my eyes. "I see you ditched the girly leggings."

"I see you haven't went to the dentist yet."

That was so unoriginal. Since my Dad had a silver tooth, he pulled that one on me all the time. "Get better comebacks and then call me." I snapped, pushing past him - and just like that, something smacked into my ankle, enough to make me lose my balance.

I came tumbling down the hard steps, rolling on my back. There was laughter all around me and I shook my fists at Patrick looming over me. He shrugged and darted up the steps, disappearing in the crowd.

Kitty appeared behind me, helping me up. She seemed amused by what happened.

Blondie Lockes rushed over with a group of girls, her mirrorpad in her hands and she held it to my face. "Jamie Hook, do you have a statement about what just happened?"

All my anger poured out of me. "If Patrick Pan thinks he's such a stud then I battle him to a duel then we'll see whose fighting skills stink."


Thank you to all those who have waited for me to actually start this book! I hope it lived up to expectations! Please leave feedback xD

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