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Chapter 21


"How could you do this?" Jacob still blocked my exit.

"Very simple really," Jacob started towards me, "I mean its the second biggest company in the world." He raised his arms in the air for emphasis.

"So?" I questioned slightly moving towards the door.

"So?" Jacob continued getting closer, "so, imagine the power," before I could react he had his hands on my upper arms.

"I could blow Wayne Industries off the map, I could destroy all of our competitors."

"Let go of me." I just stared at him, it felt like hours before he stepped back from me. When he did I was quick to leave.

~(∆_∆)~Time Skip brought to you by the Sherlock feels in chapter 19~(∆_∆)~

My phone was taken away from me, I didn't have access to a computer either. No form of outside contact.

"Maybe a carrier pigeon is around here somewhere?" I mumbked to myself as I looked out the window in the kitchen.

"Talking to yourself?" My attention was moved to Jesse who was getting a glass of juice.

"Can I call Jinx?" I asked, he stopped moving.

"Rachel," he let out a sigh, "you know what the answer will be."

"They probably have the police looking for me." I stated.

"No they don't." He laughed.

" The last people that saw me watched me get pulled into a van, they watched me get kidnapped. "

"Oh yeah," he sat down on the chair across from me, "I'll deal with it." He waved me off and went back to his juice.

"Because that doesn't worry me more." I mumbled and looked out the window once again.

~(∆_∆)~Time Skip brought to you by my terrible procrastination ~(∆_∆)~

I managed to sneak away from Jesse, and I'm 110% sure Jacob is asleep at the moment. So now I'm making my way to Jared's room since he's away at the moment, he might have a phone, will deffinatly have a computer. His door wasn't locked which was one less obstacle. (A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!) There on the desk was a phone and his desk top computer.

"This all seems way too easy." I said to myself grabbing the phone first and dialing Jinx's number.



"Hel-o? Wh-s the-e?"

"Jinx? Jinx its Rachel."

"I-I can-t he-r y-u."

"Jinx? Jinx?"

"Phone doesn't work, well at least that one."

The phone dropped from my hand.


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