Roommates. (BBRae fanfic) (AU)

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The house was big, it had five rooms and two bathrooms. So when I found the add in the paper about looking for a roommate I didn't think twice, and boy I wish I had. The fist person I heard about was Victor Stone, an African American who was huge on computers and mechanics, he seemed nice. Then there was Richard Greyson, he was a big martial artist and jock, plus he never took off his sunglasses. I knew him when I was younger and he used to be a complete nerd, and short, but now we're the same height. The only other girl here is Korri, she was foreign so her English wasn't that great, but she was really perky, and a cheerleader of course. The last person was Garfield Logan, the really wasn't much to say about him, other then he like to make lame jokes.

"Hi, I'm the new roommate." I said as I walked into the huge house on the top of a hill. "Hey dude!" A guy with green hair yelled as he walked into the living room with a stack of video games. "Rachel?" I turned my head to see Richard standing behind me. "Hi Dick." I said and he walked towards me almost as if expecting a hug. "So you the new roommate?" I nodded my head making sure the hood of my hoodie was up. "Well, welcome then, Korri and Vic just left, and I think Garfield is here somewhere." I followed him while carrying my three bags into the living room. I saw the guy with green hair settinng up an Xbox with headphones on. "Garfield, Garfield." Dick said trying to get his attention, eventually he gave up and just lifted off one of the headphones. "Garfield." He yelled right in his ear causing said boy to flinch. "What was that for dude?" He said sitting with his arms resting on his knees. "Meet our new roommate, her name is Rachel." Dick sat down on the couch and I just stood with on duffel bag on my shoulder, another on the ground and my suitcase leaning against my leg. "Sup I'm Garfield." He said standing up and holding out his hand for me to shake, now that he was closer to me I could tell he was a good foot taller than me, and had amazing emerald green eyes. I shook his hand and he looked at my hand and then noticed my bracelet. "Woah, those are some cool gems." His smile was crooked, and not like Dick's, it was sweet, yet it didn't reach his eyes. "They're gems of Azar." I mumbled in a monotone as I took back my hand and pulled my sleeves over my hands. Summer Paradise by Simple Plan started playing and I grabbed my phone from my back pocket. "Hello?" I said as I dropped my duffel and walked out of the living room. "Rachel, did you find the house?" Jinx's voice was shrill like always, and the sound of Wally yelling in the background was audioble. "Yeah I've met two of the four roommates." I said as I looked back in the living room and saw Garfield messing around with the TV and Dick looking at some sport magazine. "Anyone cute?" I could hear the smirk in her voice. "Well..." I trailed off as I looked back at Garfield, he was, kinda, cute. "Hey Rae, how are you?" Wally yelled into the phone and I pulled it away from my ear. "Wally, sorry, see you tomrrow." Jinx said then the line went dead, I just shook my head as I slipped my cell back into my pocket and walked into the living room where Garfield and Dick were now playing video games. "Everything cool?" Dick asked me never looking up from the TV. "I think Wally won't make it through the night." I said with my monotone as I sat beside Garfield. "Friends we are back, and we bring food." A girl with long red hair and tanned skin said as she ran into the living room. "Hi Korri." Dick said looking up at her as a smile spread on his face. "So did the new roomie make it?" "Hi I'm Victor and thats Korri." Victor said as he noticed me, I had grabbed one of my many books and started reading. "Rachel." I said and Korri started suealing. "Oh how joyess, a new friend." "Dick did you show her her room?" Victor asked as he walked in front of the TV, Garfield paused the game and Dick hung his head while shaking it. "I'll show her!" Garfield yelled jumping up and grabbing my hand then two of my bags as I grabbed the last duffel. I foolowed him up two flights of stairs. "Here's Korri's room." He said pointing to a pink door as we walked farther down the hall. "Vic's room is at the end of the hall, Dick's is just on the left when you come up the stairs." We stopped between a green and a plain wood door. "Mines the green one, and yours is this one." He pointed to the plain wood door then opened it, a single bed was up against the right wall, a desk was against the left wall, a door to the closet was beside the desk and a window with a small platform was on the back wall. "Need any help unpacking?" Garfield asked as he followed me into the room. "Uh, no I'm good, I'm having a friend come over tomorrow to help, I think I'm just gonna have a shower then get something to eat and rest." I said as I walked with him to the stairs. "The second floor is a study area, and the basement is workout and music area, eat anything in the kitchen, just not everything, and laundry is in the basement." He said before walking down the stairs, I walked back to my room and closed the door then flopped down on my bed, my hood falling off in the process. "What have I gotten myself into." I asked myself as I fell asleep

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