Friend or Boyfriend

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I got in to Harrys car and buckled my seat belt, Harry came in after me and sat in the drivers seat. "So where are we going?" I asked suspiciously, I doubt he would tell me but its worth a try. "I can't tell you that" he said while giving me a smirk. "Fine" I said while sighing. We were driving for a while in silence until Harry finally said "we're here" I looked up from my phone to see a beach. Harry and I got out of the car and he led me to a rock with a note attatched

So glad you could make it babe,


I kept walking but then turned around because Harry had stopped walking beside me, "keep going Nialls waiting for you" he said whilst giving me his dimpled smile.

I walked for a minute or two following the trail of little notes Niall left me until I saw Niall, I ran up to him and gave him a hug he picked me up and spun me around.

Nialls POV

She looked very pretty when I picked her up she was almost as light as a feather. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. We were walking along the beach in bare feet hand in hand until we reached the picnic I had set up for us for dinner. She stopped and just stared I hope she likes it, what if she doesnt like it, all these bad thoughts were going through my mind worrying. She looked at me and said Niall its beautiful I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding and sat down. She sat down beside me and was looking at the ocean and the setting sun. I pulled out two plates and a pepperoni pizza. I put a slice on each plate and poured some lemonade in two red cups. We watched the sun set and once it got darker I lit the candles that surrounded the picnic blanket. "This is perfect Niall, I love it and I especially love you!"

Alexs POV

Niall started to strum his guitar I always love it when he plays the guitar. He started singing the lyrics to just the way you are by Bruno Mars I could not stop looking into his beautiful stormy blue eyes. Once he was done singing he kissed me I kissed him back the kiss grew more passionate until I pulled back and said "I love you Nialler"

"I love you too"

"Would you like me to teach you how to play?" he asked

"Umm ok."

"Come here."

I sat in his lap and he put the guitar in front of us. He took my hands and put them on the strings and said this is a G. he rearranged my fingers onto different strings and said this is a F. After an hour I had memorised 4 different chords to a song.

It was getting cold I looked through the bag that had all the stuff in it and pulled out a blanket I wrapped my self in it and leaned on Niall, he put his strong arm around me and started to sing to me. I fell to sleep in his strong hold once again. He carried me to his car and put me in the passengers seat while he went and got all the stuff at the beach. He put the bag in the back and got in the drivers seat. I was half asleep when Niall shut his car door, I looked at the time it was 11:00. I reached to press the power button on the radio and trouble maker by Olly murs started playing. "You're awake!" Niall said. I smiled. "Thank you"

"For what?"

"For this, it was perfect"

"Oh, no problem"

We got home and I was startled by the loudness of the house the boys were screaming and yelling at the TV they must be watching football (soccer.) Louis turned around and when he saw me he gave a smirk and yelled "HEY THE LOVE BIRDS ARE BACK!" I couldnt help but blush, I looked over to see Niall blushing too. He's so cute when he blushes. I went upstairs to get changed in to my plaid pj bottoms and an oversized blue top. I went to see Niall, I knocked on the door.


"Can I come in? its Alex"


I walked in to his room to see him shirtless and in his pj pants on his computer.

"Hey babe"

"Hi" i said while sitting down beside him "Whatcha doin?"

"Just on twitter I was thinking we could watch a movie!"

"Yea that'd be great" I smiled

I pulled out my phone to look through the photos we took on our date, there were some cute ones of Niall and I. There was one that he took of us and it was him giving me a kiss on the cheek and me smiling.That one is my favourite, I posted it on twitter with the caption saying 'I love him so much <3' in about three minutes there was already 709 likes and 563 retweets and, comments saying 'are you dating,' and 'you two are perfect together.' Niall came back from putting a movie in the DVD player and sat beside me, I clicked off my iPhone and leaned my head on his shoulder he put his arm around me and refreshed his twitter feed. Whilst it was loading he turned on the TV and then he looked down to his laptop and the first thing he saw was the picture of us he looked at the comments and asked me "so, are we dating?" he smiled.

I gave him a kiss and said yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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