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"Too nice"

If I had a dollar for every freaking time someone has called me "too nice," I'd probably have about twenty bucks or so. Not joking.

Okay. So here's what I don't understand. How can you be too nice? I mean I understand how you can be but in my case, too nice just doesn't fit the description. 

I've been told I'm "too nice" when I don't say something back to people who insult me. You can call that too nice but for me, that just means I don't want to waste my time trying to battle you verbally. Arguing with someone I don't necessarily care for is just a waste. I mean I get it if you get a little ticked off by their words. Believe me, I've experienced that as a witness and a victim. But sometimes, I just want to close the door in your face and continue dealing with my business.

People also call me too nice when I don't fight back physically. Now here's something you should know about me. I'm very mature (in certain situations) so I know when to say certain things and/or when to fight back. But I am seriously not good at fighting. Like I freaking suck. I can't really punch for my life. But I can kick, slap, pinch; any other "girly" moves in a fight.

Okay, sorry. That was completely sexist.

Anywho...I don't understand it. I didn't realize it was nice when you don't feed into people annoying the crap out of you.

But maybe that's not my problem.

That's the other thing about me. I sometimes can tell when someone has personal problems so fighting them back is not going to help either of us. Especially them since they already have problems of their own. Actually, especially me because I just pulled myself into the trouble that had absolutely nothing to do with me. 

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