Lillith's Father: Prologue:

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[[A/N: Soooo, the only thing I have to say is i'm pretty sure I bungled the way the OWLs are graded but whatever... >.>  So, I don't know when I'll post the next chapter, though I already have it written...perhaps when I have a decent number of votes..]]


The Dark Lord sat on his throne-like chair at the head of the table, his burning red eyes looking to each of this loyal followers.  They froze at the woman who had called the meeting, claiming she had important information that was imperative that she share.

"What is it, Bellatrix," Lord Voldemort questioned, a dark humor dancing in his eyes as he stared at the crazed woman beside him.  She was jumpy, more so than usual, and instead of her usual smirk, a full-on smile graced her full, red lips.  

"I've found out something about my dear cousin, Sirius."

Bellatrix Lestrange seemed to become even more active, not able to sit for a moment longer as she jumped up.  She was beyond excited, her dark brown eyes dancing maliciously.  

The Dark Lord waited patiently, knowing that eventually she'd get on with it.  She wouldn't be able to wait long before giving up all her knowledge, she only wanted to be recognized by her Master, she only wanted him to be proud of her and value her over all others.

"He had a daughter.  She seems to be friends with Potter and his filth."

His attention was caught.  A daughter?  He knew, with her being friends with Harry Potter, that capturing her would be crucial.

"What is her name," he questioned, as Nagini slithered into the room.  From the bulge in her mid-section, it was easy for all to tell that she'd just feasted.  On who, nobody would know.  

"Lillith Deacon."


During the summer, it took me a month to finally give up the notion that my father wanted me to spend the summer with him, and so I tried my hardest to forget about him in the next passing month and a half trying to enjoy myself as best as possible.

Fred and George were great, taking my bipolar-like depression in stride and working hard to simply get me to smile.  I didn’t know why they put up with it, or how they weren’t tired of me, but I couldn’t complain, I was happy… for the most part.  

But it seemed as if right as I was about to be fully happy, my biological father’s face would pop into my head, like a daydream, only a nightmare instead.  I could see from the outside looking in, I watched as I screamed from the Death Eater’s curse, and I could see Sirius’s panic as he heard me, immediately turning around to see if I was okay.  The red jet of light from a stunning spell thrown by the cackling lady with frizzy, curly hair and demented eyes.  


Having to relive that day had me on constant edge, I was jumpy and basically a nervous wreck.  Everyone in the Weasley household knew not to sneak up on me unless they wanted an ear-piercing scream to echo throughout the rooms.  

Deep purple bags hung under my eyes, no matter how much I slept and for the most part, I had reverted back to not speaking.  I did talk, to anyone and everyone, but only when spoken to, I never started a conversation, or entered someone else’s that I had no interest in being in even if they could have used an extra person.  

I was uncomfortable talking around these people that I barely knew.  Mr. Weasley I had only met once before the summer, and Mrs. Weasley had been at Sirius’ house during winter break, but we never truly talked, she mostly just cooked.  Ginny was a year under me, meaning we had no classes together, and though she was extremely nice as a person, we didn’t get along, as we were two completely different people.  

However, it wasn’t until Hermione arrived, and a few days later, Harry that things finally got a bit more happier around.  Fred and George had to leave, not being able to leave Lee Jordan watching over the shop without worrying that he would cause it to implode, so we five (Ginny included) started doing things around the house after Harry had come.  First, we went walking, running, racing, climbing trees, and by the time we had made it back to the house, we were all exhausted and I had no doubt that I wouldn’t have a trouble sleeping tonight.  

“We got your O.W.L grades came in while you all were out, why don’t you come into the kitchen and open them, dears?”  Mrs. Weasley smiled encouragingly at us, even Ginny though she hadn’t taken those particularly tests seeing as how only fifth years and sixth years who had failed the year before.  

Hermione immediately raced off to find hers, leaving us in the dust in her hurry to find out her grades, though she’d undoubtedly get a O in all of her classes as she’s a genius.  

Rubbing my eyes, I followed Ron grudgingly, and took the manilla envelope that was handed to me, my name in a beautiful script covered the front, but I paid it no mind, instead opening the letter.

Charms: Theory = A Practical = A  | Transfiguration: Theory E, Practical A

Herbology: Theory = O Practical = A  |  DATDA: Theory = A  Practical = P

Potions: Theory = E  Practical = E   |   COMC: Theory = O  Practical = E

History of Magic: Theory = A  Practical = P

I don’t know how I managed to pass the classes, but I was happy about it nonetheless, having only failed Practical DATDA and Practical History of Magic.  I’d probably have to take those classes next year in my spare time, but I’d also have to talk to Dumbledore about it.  I wondered how I even barely passed Theory for Defense Against the Dark Arts but thought it best not to question it, and the fact that I passed History was a miracle, as I always ignored Professor Binns’ droning.  

Sighing, I looked over to Hermione, who looked slightly disappointed.

“What’s wrong, Hermione?”  

This was the first time in months that I had asked a question of my own accord and without being prompted to by the twins, not that anyone that was in the kitchen besides Mrs. Weasley knew that anyway.  

“I only got an E for Defense Against the Dark Arts!”

“Really?  I got an O,” Harry stared over his friends shoulder, looking at her grades and comparing them.  “That’s the only one where you didn’t get an O, Hermione, I hardly think that’s something to cry about!”  

I looked over at the gorgeous brown haired girl only to realize, that she indeed, was crying.

Comparing our grades, it didn’t take long to realize that Hermione did the best, Followed by Harry, then me, and last but not least Ron.  Only Hermione had made it to N.E.W.T levels and that was only for Potions, History of Magic, Transfiguration and Charms.  

Wow, she’s so much smarter than me.  I’d never actually realized it before, but I definitely do now.  Because of all of her NEWT levels, chances were that we’d never see each other during classes, only when it was time to eat or sleep.  

Sighing, I smiled and congratulated everyone before heading off to bed.  I was extremely tired, but still somehow I managed to be excited for the next month when school would finally start again.

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