Lillith's Father: Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen:

The Dark Lord was beyond angry, they'd lost the one person they could have used against Harry Potter.  He turned to Fenrir Greyback as his anger ratcheted up another notch.

"You had one job, and it was to keep the girl in your hands!  You let her escape!"

"I am sorry My Lord, I had not expected her to be an animagus."  Voldemorts wand shot out and aimed at Fenrir before the Dark Lord blasted him with the full force of his anger.   For what felt like hours, Fenrir convulsed on the ground much like Lillith Deacon had, only this time around, he wasn't laughing.  He was screaming, and only his master was around to hear him do so.  

After letting up on the curse, Voldemort turned his back on the werewolf.  

"Next time, you will die.  Do not disappoint me again."


"What do you mean I can't go back to Hogwarts?  Where else am I suppose to go?" I stood up, my fists clenched as I glared at Dumbledore, his words echoing in my head.

If I couldn't go back to school.. I had nowhere else. I couldn't stay with the Twins, I would be putting them in danger if Voldemort ever tried to find me again, which he undoubtedly would.  Where else was I supposed to go?  Just back out onto the streets?  

"You'll have a choice, you're more than welcome to stay at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, 12 Grimmauld place.  There is also the choice of living with Molly Weasley, she's already agreed that it would be fine if that is what you so chose."

I sighed, relaxing my taught muscles as I sat back down between the twins, leaning into Fred slightly as George smiled encouragingly towards me.  

I couldn't.. I couldn't go back to Grimmauld Place.  Not only was that my biological fathers home, but those people, the ones I'd grown up with lived directly next door.  They'd already caught me once.  I could still feel the blows of my pretend father's boots raining down on my ribs, the pain was still there.  I couldn't go back there and risk being caught once more.  What if it happened again?

But at the same time.. 

I couldn't stay with Mrs. Weasley.  She already had a full house, and I wouldn't put her or her family in any danger if I could help it.  

"Is there another option?"

"I'm afraid not, Miss Deacon.  The Weasley's house is protected, though it is also being monitored by the Ministry and Death Eaters alike.  While Grimmauld place is off the radar completely.  I would suggest going there, but in all honesty, it is your choice."

"I can't.. I can't go back there.  Not to Grimmauld place."  

Professor Snape nodded, his eyes knowing as if he knew exactly what as going through my mind.  Then again, he probably did.  They all had to of known what had happened between my mother and I, how I had been tricked, and how I tried to save her and my half brother Liam from their lives. Instead, she used my sympathy and used me, she tricked me and I wound back up in my old home, beaten until finally I could escape.  

They all knew about that, so why was going back to Grimmauld even an option?

"That is completely understandable.  In that case, the Burrow is the only option, at least for the rest of the year.  By that time, perhaps we can find a suitable way for you to come back to Hogwarts for your seventh, and last, year without needing to worry about you being found once more."  

I nodded, watching as my father stood up from his seat and walked deeper into the back room, gesturing for me to follow behind him.  I looked towards Fred, silently asking if he knew what was going on but he just shrugged and stood up to get everything ready to open the shop.  

"I just needed to speak to you for a moment.  In the future, while staying with the Weasleys, you will hear many things.  Not all of them will be true, and some of them may be true but remember everything has a story behind it.  Dont forget that.  Everything I do is for a reason, just as everything Dumbledore does is for a reason."

Furrowing my brows, I wondered what exactly he was talking about before deciding I would probably never figure it out.  Severus Snape was, is and will always be a mystery, not just to me but to everyone most probably. 

"I wont forget," I promised, staring up into his cold, obsidian eyes.  


"Come in, dear, I was just getting ready to start supper," Molly Weasley smiled as I stood on the front step of her home, alone. I gulped loudly, looking around but I knew that Fred had already disapparated. He had promised to come tonight after the shop had closed, however, so that was something to look forward to at the least.  

"Thank you, ma'am."  

"None of that, Lily.  Now, you dont have any clothes but Ginny is only a few inches taller than you so you can go ahead and wear her clothes for now until we can take you shopping.  I'm sure she wouldn't mind in the least."  

I looked down at the clothes I wore, just a long tshirt and shorts that both belonged to Fred and smiled nerviously up at Mrs. Weasley.  What did she think of the fact that I was wearing her sons clothing?  

Probably that you just escaped imprisonment and you had no clothes to wear, my brain whispered snarkily.  I bit my lip before stepping into the house and shutting the door quietly behind me.  

"Arthur's at work, so for the next hour it'll just be me and you.  The shower is upstairs, three doors down and on your right if you want to shower, and Ginny's room is right next to it.  Her shirts are in the top drawer and pants in the bottom."  

I nodded, watching as Mrs. Weasley picked up her wand and pointed it towards the sink full of dishes. Almost immediately, a scrubby sponge picked itself up, the faucet turned on and the dishes began to wash themselves.  Afterwards, she pointed the wand towards a sack of potatoes and they began cutting themselves.  

I stared for a few more minutes before turning away and moving up the first step of stairs slowly, unsteadily as I was slightly scared that the stairs would crash and break underneath me despite the fact that I was severely underweight.  

Once I'd made it to the second floor, I poked my body into Ginny's room and dug through the drawers until I'd found some clothes that were most likely to fit me best before I headed towards the bathroom.

A shower sounded great right about then.

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