Lillith's Father: Chapter Eleven:

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Chapter Eleven:  

"He wants her tonight Severus.  It is nearly Christmas, and it would serve you well to bring our Lord a present, wouldn't it?" Bellatrix's sickly sweet voice wafted around Severus Snape's head before slithering into his ear.  He looked towards the fireplace in his room and saw her head, shaped in the coals.  

"I will have her and bring her to him," he replied, his voice cold and emotionless though worry ate at his very being.  He watched her face dissappear before sitting down in his chair, trying to control his breathing as he gathered his wits.  He'd need all of them, they had no plan to save his Lillith from the Dark Lord, he wouldn't be able to help her, nobody would but herself.  

Standing up, he walked out of his room and towards the Headmaster's office.  

They both knew that this wouldn't be easy, but with the training Lillith had gotten, she was as good as she could hope to be. Severus didn't know much about the girl whom he had adopted, but he knew enough to be sure that if there was a way to save herself, she would.

In circumstances like this, that was all anyone could hope for. 


That day, which I had thought to be one of my best soon turned into everyone's nightmare.  Nobody seemed to know what had happened, though rumors were flying around.  All anyone knew was that Harry Potter was somehow involved. I sat next to the Golden Trio as supper was served, no doubt an announcment would be taking place after everyone had eaten.  Harry looked pale and sick, refusing to touch his food and only occassionally glancing up from his untouched plate.  

But he never looked at Ron, Hermione or myself, he always looked towards the Slytherin table, in Draco's general direction with a look of accusation.  Whatever had happened.. did Draco also play a part in it?  

Soon, Hogwarts found out what all the fuss was for.  Katie Bell had been cursed on her trip back to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade.  There were only a few people who didn't look surprised, some of them being the teachers, the Trio and Draco Malfoy.  

Even a month and a half later, I didn't want to believe that Draco had anything to do with it.  Sure, we didn't speak any more, he was always busy with something else, but it couldn't have been him, could it have?  I walked through the empty halls, everyone having left for their winter holidays.  

Or mostly everyone.   I was still here, I knew Draco was still here though I only really saw him at supper.  Harry and Ron had gone for the holidays, back to Ron's home and Hermione had gone to visit her parents, whom she had talked about missing dearly.  

My father rarely showed up for even supper, though I saw him often enough during my training, which I kept going to.  The time spent in McGonagall's and his classrooms became higher and higher each day, some days I spent up to six hours working and training as hard as I could to learn as much as I could.  

I wanted to impress my father, and I didn't want to be killed by Voldemort.  

Both pretty good reasons to be working as much and as often as possible.  Today, however, was different.  Instead of going straight back to his class after the midday meal like I should have, I was called out to go to Dumbledore's office by McGonagall.  

I bet my lip, searching the Great Hall as others seemed to 'oooh' around me, obviously thinking that I'd gotten into quite a good deal of trouble to be called to the Headmaster's office.  More than likely, I knew that it had to do with the Dark Lord, because I know for a fact that I hadn't done anything wrong.  

When I saw my father standing off to the side as McGonagall stepped into the headmaster's office, I knew it was true.  I knew what was coming, I knew that my time was up.  It was too soon, I didn't know enough. I was going to get killed and I was barely sixteen! 

They knew that they didn't need to explain what was going on, I sat myself in a chair and waited for something, anything to happen.

"Your best bet is to escape on your own.  There will be nobody to help you, use your animagus form to do so if you must.  Remember our lessons above all else.  I know this wont be the words to say to give you the most confidence, but you should also remember that the more you scream, the more he'll torture."  

Biting my lip, I did my best to hold back tears as my father spoke.  I didn't and couldn't hold it against him, he told it like it was, he didn't beat around the bush, and right now, every second counted.  If I wanted to escape, I'd need to remember everything I've ever learned, and even then I had a really low shot.

But I didn't have a choice.  A low chance was better than no chance, and it was either this or my father will either be tortured or tortured and killed.  I'd rather me than him anyday, no matter how much hurt he's put me through.  I knew he didn't mean it, it was just how he was.  

"All right.  Do we leave now?"  

Father nodded and I wondered briefly what my friends would think, what would they say, what would Dumbledore tell them?  I had to ask, because I had to know for sure.  

"That you've simply gone missing, and that anyone with information as to your whereabouts should step forward," Dumbledore spoke, his voice seeming to reverberate through the entire room.  Nodding, I stood up, walking towards Professor Snape and blinking back tears.  

I was so terrified.  My bones felt cold in my body, my knees shook, my body wobbled dangerously, but it didn't last for long, Snape leaned down quickly, placing one arm around my back and one behind me knees, knocking them out from under me and lifted me up.

"Cast the spell, Minerva," Dumbledore orded. 

I looked around for only a moment, confused.  My father's expression was stony, Dumbledore's eyes gleamed in the light from his office behind his half-moon spectacles and McGonagall looked worried before she pointed her wand directly at my head.

Absolute panic set in right at the moment.  What were they going to do?

"What-" I started, then.. there was nothing.  Just a dark void of black.

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